Owners of at least one residence and one I.X. car owners, over-borrowers and… over-consumers seem to be the vast majority of them Greek taxpayersaccording to detailed statistics from the clearance of last year’s personal income tax returns.

According to these figures, over 3.27 million households own their own main residences, while the total number of cars owned by Greek taxpayers exceeds 5.36 million.

On the other hand, 1.76 million taxpayers paid 5.74 billion euros in loan installments to banks last year and over 7 million taxpayers spent a total of 54.82 billion euros via debit, credit or prepaid cards to buy consumer goods and receive services.

Nouns, 6 out of 10 taxpayers declared last year to the tax office that they have a car in their name, 4 in 10 that they live in their own private main residence, 2 in 10 that they exploit their properties by collecting rents and 2 in 10 that they pay loan installments to banks.

In addition, more than 127,000 taxpayers bought real estate, about 130,000 families sent their children to private schools, more than 96,000 taxpayers owned yachts and more than 23,000 told the IRS they had swimming pools in their homes.

In particular, the statistics from the processing of the 6,560,865 tax returns submitted in 2023 reveal the following interests in the assets of Greeks:

1. Cars, pleasure boats

Taxpayers declare that they own 5,367,720 cars and 96,750 pleasure boats.

2. Swimming pools

22,623 have an outdoor pool at home, while 345 natural persons who declare annual incomes above 800,000 euros also have indoor swimming pools in their luxury homes.

3. Real estate

a) 3,275,076 households declared that they own their first home, while 963,789 reported that they also have a holiday home. 196,102 taxpayers own a secondary residence in the village or in the city.

b) 1,798,246 taxpayers declare that the main residence in which they live is leased or that it has been granted to them free of charge.

c) 1,041,391 taxpayers declared €4.2 billion of gross income from the rental of residential property and 550,118 additional income of €4.2 billion derived from the rental of commercial properties such as shops, offices, warehouses and parking spaces for cars and motorcycles (garage).

d) 1,510 taxpayers declared that they have properties for exploitation abroad. The number of properties amounts to 21,227 and the incomes they obtained amounted to 16.789 million euros.

e) In terms of rent, they stated that 1,406,379 households live, paying rents of more than 3.1 billion euros in total.

f) 870,704 taxpayers declared that they were accommodated at the home of their parents, relatives or friends.

4. Expenses

a) 134,883 taxpayers declared that they sent their children to private schools, paying a total of 569,625
million euros or 4,218 euros each on average.

b) 2,646 taxpayers declared that they paid expenses for wages of domestic helpers, chauffeurs and teachers. The amounts they paid for these fees amounted to 32.918 million euros. That is, each of them paid an average of 12,440 euros to these categories of workers.

5. Interest income – deposits

a) 82,726 taxpayers declared that they have deposits abroad.

b) 2,721 natural persons showed earnings from abroad totaling 78.19 million euros.

c) 44,030 taxpayers reported that they received pensions from abroad, the amount of which reaches 419,928 million euros.
In other words, each of them received an average pension amount of 9,537 euros from abroad.

d) The total amount of interest from the deposits of Greeks in domestic banks amounted to 257.562 million euros and to 79.159
million euros the total interest from deposits in banks abroad.

6. Loans:

There are 1,767,546 taxpayers who declared in E1 of the tax return that they have mortgage or consumer loan obligations and, specifically, that they paid installments totaling 5.74 billion euros, or an average of 3,247 euros each. This amount was added to the subsistence allowances and significantly increased the amount of total presumptive income for these taxpayers.

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