TCU extends benefit that increases remuneration by a third, and MP suspends payment of ministers

by time news

2023-12-05 01:17:37

Deputy Attorney General of the Public Ministry at the TCU questioned the legality of the payment to ministers

FáTIMA MEIRA/FUTURA PRESS/ESTADÃO CONTENT Facade of the Federal Audit Court (TCU), in Brasília

The Federal Court of Auditors (TCU) extended to its ministers the benefit that allows an increase of around a third of their monthly remuneration last Wednesday, 29. Despite the Constitution providing that the Court has remuneration equivalent to the Supreme Court of Justice (STJ), payment was temporarily suspended following a request from the Public Ministry. The STJ had authorized the creation of the benefit through a resolution on November 8th.

After the MP’s request, the TCU itself decided to suspend payment of the benefit. The deputy attorney general of the Public Ministry at the TCU, Lucas Rocha Furtado, questioned the legality of similar payment of compensation for backlog of work to federal and labor judges. The suspension of payment may last until the plenary analyzes the legality of the resolution.

In the measure approved by the STJ, the benefit is given to magistrates who accumulate administrative functions and extra activities. In this case, the amounts are paid through compensation, without incidence of Income Tax. Functions include the presidency, the vice-presidency, the National Justice Inspectorate, the general directorate of the National School for Training and Improvement of Magistrates and whoever acts as an instructing magistrate or assistant judge. With this resolution, a cascade effect was caused, considering that federal, military and labor judges were able to benefit from increased remuneration.

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