Tea vs coffee: which is the healthiest

by time news

2023-08-01 14:45:52

Although in countries like Argentina is the USA coffee consumption is more common, according to estimates the number of followers of tea is increasing considerably and its consumption has not stopped growing in the last 20 years. “While 1.6 million cups of coffee are consumed a day on planet Earth, twice as many cups of tea are consumed,” reported the journalist, specialized in medicine, Larry Schwartz to the American digital portal Alternet.

On the other hand, different studies have shown that coffee can prevent the risk of developing some types of cancer such as breast, prostate, skin or liver. According to studies, its consumption helps improve short-term memory and increases the effectiveness of painkillers in the body. In addition, it helps prevent diseases such as Alzheimer’s or dementia.

A study prepared by the Harvard School of Public Health found a relationship between coffee consumption with a reduction in the development of type 2 diabetes in 35 percent of the cases analyzed. A conclusion that leaves aside the idea that the infusion produces tachycardia or anxiety, Schwartz himself mentions that according to an investigation carried out in Portugal, coffee reduces the risk of Parkinson’s disease.

For its part, science has shown that, like coffee, tea can prevent the development of diabetes, although studies have shown a greater influence on type 1, as well as some types of cancer such as lung and prevents osteoporosis. Its consumption is associated with greater protection in the development of Parkinson’s disease, as well as with the prevention of Alzheimer’s.

Different positive effects have been found depending on the type of tea. For example, white tea reduces the risk of obesity and contains antioxidants that may have anti-aging potential. In the case of green tea, It has been shown that it helps reduce the risk of suffering from this cancer disease and is an antioxidant. The black and oolong teas contain substances known as flavonoidswhose consumption has been linked to fewer cases of heart disease.

In addition, drinking around four cups of tea a day, in the medium and long term, helps the body to reduce the production of the stress hormone, so more than an excitant it could be a great ally to combat anxiety. The idea that tea and coffee are dehydrating drinks is a false myth. Its consumption, calculating it in an average of four cups a day, does not negatively influence the processes in the elimination of liquids from the body.

According to Schwartz, “it has been shown that up to six cups of coffee a day have no relationship with heart disease or cancer.” Even in a study by The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologistsit was found that light consumption has no effect on pregnancy, neither in relation to the occurrence of involuntary abortions nor with regard to premature births.

It should also be taken into account that there are people who are more sensitive to caffeine than others and that women are more susceptible than men. The key is moderation. It is estimated that around 300 grams of caffeine a day can have beneficial consequences, as long as it is accompanied by a healthy diet and an active lifestyle. It must be taken into account that coffee contains between 80 and 185 milligrams of caffeine, while tea only contains between 15 and 70 milligrams.

Coffee gives us more energy and more quickly, but its effect is less lasting than that produced by the consumption of tea. However, a good alternative is the combination of both: there is a type of tea made with coffee leaves, which is offered in some specialized gastronomic spaces, which is healthier than the two drinks separately. Also, it is less bitter than tea and not as strong as coffee.

by RN

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