“Teacher Koi Natcha” reveals (not) secret tips to prepare for pregnancy with quality

by time news
Teacher Koi Natchaopen trick (no) secret Prepare your stomach with quality have a baby for the year of the rabbit

Pregnancy preparation is something that can be prepared in advance. Expectant mothers planning to have a baby in the upcoming Year of the Rabbit should prepare early. whole body Mental and health checks before preparing for having children for a healthy pregnancy

Teacher KoiNatcha Loy Chusak Founder of the page Babyandmom.co.th Standing in the hearts of the infertile A page that provides knowledge and preparation before pregnancy for infertility according to science. who have studied and compiled research on nutrition principles in eating foods that will help enhance fertility help nourish eggs Nourish the uterus and balance hormones Including maintaining the quality of the male sperm to prepare before pregnancy Until gaining the trust of infertile people for a long timehas revealed that Pregnancy preparations should be prepared at least in advance. 3 month That mother should be ready in all aspects. for a healthy pregnancy The fetus is complete and full term. Which should go to see a doctor who specializes in obstetrics and gynecology or if the older couple 35 year and release excess natural belly 6 months and have regular sex2-3per week not pregnant considered to be infertile Consult a fertility clinic doctor. to analyze the cause of both husband and wife to see if there are any contraindications or limitations in pregnancy to receive advice on the correct treatment guidelines However, quality pre-pregnancy preparation is paramount. Therefore, there should be preparation both physically and mentally. as follows

1.Good physical preparation starts with healthy food choices.

Those planning to get pregnant should eat a variety of foods. 5 group and complete 3 meals per day focus on eating A wide variety of vitamins and minerals along with drinking enough water1.5 – 2 liters per day byTeacher KoiNatcha has studied and compiled research on nutritional principles in eating foods that will help enhance fertility and summarized as 5+1 Keys to Success especially for infertile women which the principles of nutrition supplement fertility (Fertility Diet) or calledKru Koi’s book on preparations for pregnancy that anyone who wants to get pregnant must eat.that is Eating a variety of food and complete 5 group which consists of main food groups (Macronutrients) 70% and vitamins and minerals (Micronutrients) 30% with the following principles 1.add protein 2.reduce carbs 3.no sweet 4.eat good fatty acids 5.Focus on antioxidants and + 1 add nourishing vitamins

starting from eating protein The protein is the main nutrient that is indispensable. that nourishes egg cells Helps to ovulate normally and for people doing IVF Eating more protein also increases pregnancy success rates. But must choose to eat protein from sources that provide good protein. high protein and safe such as should eat eggs a day 2 bubble Choose to drink goat’s milk instead of cow’s milk for an important reason. Goat’s milk is easier to digest than cow’s milk. Because there is research published in journals. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences last year 2017 Studies on the properties of goat’s milk compared to cow’s milk found that cow’s milk contains high lactose sugar, which may increase the risk of developing ovarian cysts. multiple leaves orPCOSthat is a major obstacle to pregnancy In addition, cow’s milk contains protein that may cause allergies higher than goat’s milk. When pregnant, the unborn child is at risk of being allergic to cow’s milk.

Another source of protein Teacher Koi Recommended is plant protein Preparing stomach people should choose to eat plant-based protein.(Plant-Based Protein) such as pea protein almonds walnuts soybean or chick peas The research study found that woman eating plant protein good fats and complete vitamins and minerals, the risk of amenorrhea is reduced to 66% And there is another study published in the journal. American Journal of obstetrics and gynecology last year 2008 Studies have shown that women who switch their animal protein intake to plant protein may reduce their risk of infertility due to abortion problems. 50%

Cut down on simple carbs. namely white rice flour sugar bread and focus on complex carbohydratesis brown rice bean Cereals poppy pumpkin seeds to increase the success rate especially in vitro fertilization that research published in the journal Nutrients last year 2017 found that eating reduced-carb type Refined Carb go down (Low Carbohydrate Diets) lowers insulin levels affect hormones balanced A more regular ovulation cycle leads to a higher pregnancy rate. compared with people eating as usual When reducing carbs along with adding protein increases IVF success rates by as much as 83%

no sweet Because sweetness causes egg cells to deteriorate. Having high blood sugar levels stimulates the secretion of insulin. This causes an increased risk of polycystic ovary disease. or PCOS resulting in a small egg poor quality irregular menstruation eggs don’t fall affect infertility For women who plan to get pregnant but want to eat sweets. Date palm juice is recommended as a beneficial sweetness. safe and does not increase blood sugar levels

eat good fatty acids (HDL) Omega3 contained in marine fish cod liver oil and fat from cereals or fruit such as poppyflaxseed almonds pumpkin seeds avocado including olive oil The good fats play an important role in the production of sex hormones. There is a research published in the journal. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition last year 2016 Studies have shown that eating omega 3 It helps to balance hormones and ovulation is normal. and also helps the quality of the eggs And increases the level of progesterone, which is an important hormone that thickens the uterus to prepare for pregnancy as well, so for women who have had IVF should get omega 3 and omega 6 in advance before entering the process to increase the percentage of pregnancy success

add antioxidants to neutralize free radicals Reduce the deterioration of oocytes that naturally deteriorate as women age. There is research from The University of Texas The study found that women 53% vitamin c diet and high bioflavonoids have a luteal phase Is the period after ovulation at the level of the hormone progesterone. longer And studies have found that kaffir lime juice contains the antioxidant quercetine, which has properties to help nourish the oocyte and protect the oocyte from being damaged by free radicals. make perfect eggs increase the chance of pregnancy or quercetin Higher than vegetables and fruits that give a sour taste. In addition, freshly squeezed kaffir lime juice also helps the blood flow better. It balances hormones, makes menstruation regular, and normalizes the ovulation cycle.

In addition, it should be supplementedvitamins and mineralsnecessary to strengthen various systems in the body to be ready for pregnancy both increase the quality of egg cells fertilization embryo implantation and the benefits of nourishing the body with vitamins and minerals, which also have a positive effect To reach the baby in the womb to be strong. Not handicapped from birth as well by vitamins and minerals that are recommended to eat is folic acid and inositol especially folic acid at the World Health Organization (WHO) It is recommended that women planning pregnancy receive folic acid. 400 micrograms per day and eat for a period of time 3 month Continuation before pregnancyuntil 3 first month of pregnancy to reduce your baby’s risk of disabilities by folic acid found in egg yolk liver dark leafy greens kale water spinach gourd carrot cantaloupe pumpkin bean or vitamin folic in pill form

for inositolFound a research report published in a journal. Medicine last year 2017 This study examined the effects of infertile women given inositol during ovulation induction. to do ICSI or IVF found Women who took inositol during the procedure had higher rates of pregnancy. It also improves the quality ofembryo And it also helps to reduce the use of excessive use of drugs to stimulate the eggs as well.Teacher KoiNatcha say

2.. exercise at least a week 150 minute (30-45 minute 5 day/week)

Exercising not only strengthens the body but also stimulates blood circulation to pump better circulation. Help reduce fat accumulation. Helps increase endorphin hormones, reduce stress. relax helps to sleep more deeply enhance muscle strength make the system different other can work normally It also helps sweat and waste out of the body, so it is another secret tip to prepare before pregnancy. The exercises that are suitable for women preparing to get pregnant are walk run yogaride dance or aerobic dance swim etc. We do not recommend exercising too hard as it may lead to hormonal imbalance.

3. mental readiness You should practice relaxation from stress.

which is a factor that affects the chances of getting pregnant Stress can be relieved by doing activities that you enjoy.such as listen to music yoga shopping go to different places other practice meditation per day 20-30 minute Help manage stress and relax. or exercise It can help relieve stress. the body will be refreshed sleep deeper Improve your mood, research has found. when we can manage stress Hormones in the body will adjust to a state of balance. bodymind and breath everything is connected Practicing yoga helps to balance the connection between brain function and hormones. Balance the hormones in the body as a whole

4. Get enough sleep each day. 8 hour

Long-term lack of sleep directly affects erection. Luteinizing Hormone (LH) This is a hormone that will be released during ovulation. if hormones LH Irregularity will affect the menstrual cycle that is not normal. missing menstruation Hormonal fluctuations, the less you sleep, the body will secrete the hormone cortisol. or Hormones of stress come out a lot. which will destroy the balance of sex hormones And resulting in the body fighting stress hormones, becoming an inflammatory body There are research papers published in journals. Reproductive Science last year 2011 study foundInflammation is one of the causes of obstetric diseases. (Gynecological disease) which inflammation (Inflammation) It affects ovulation and hormonal production, and is also associated with endometriosis in relation to fertility. Inflammation is associated with the development of a number of conditions. as follows endometriosis polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) pelvic inflammatory disease Ovarian cysts or uterine fibroids Ovarian dystrophy premature menopause Therefore, people who are planning to get pregnant should go to bed and not overdo it. 22.00 n. and get at least some sleep 6-8 hour

5.See a doctor for an analysis to find out the cause of infertility.

For couples who are infertility as mentioned above should lead together to see a doctor for analysis to find out the cause by women will focus on the examination of the uterus fallopian tube and the fertilized egg in the ovary You should see a doctor on the day of your period. 1-3 first day and make a note of at least the last month’s cycle 3 month for accuracy The doctor will examine the inside of the uterus by ultrasound examination. and have a blood test to look at hormones For men, in addition to blood tests to check the necessary hormones, it will focus on sperm quality analysis. namely Number of sperm in semen Sperm movement speed size shape and quality of sperm Including the amount of semen whether it is in the criteria or not Which should refrain from ejaculation before seeing a doctor at least 3-5 day

However, those preparing to have children, both women and men, should refrain from drinking alcohol. no smoking Including eating habits that negatively affect health until the body is obese Should eat food according to the pre-pregnancy nutrition principles mentioned above. and relieve stress firmly exercise and getting enough rest to prepare for a quality pregnancy and increase the chances of success in getting pregnant in time for the year of the rabbitTeacher Koi Natcha say goodbye.

For those planning to have children in the year of the Rabbit or the year of the rabbit Don’t forget to put into practice good tips to have a healthy body.complete together with pregnancy As for anyone who wants more information or wants to receive additional advice, they can follow www.babyandmom.co.th or https://www.facebook.com/BabyAndMom.co.th

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