Teacher Stabbed in Wedel: Two Suspects Arrested in Shocking Attack

by time news

As of 21.07.2024 12:31 PM

A teacher has been stabbed in the parking lot of the building complex of the adult education center and music school in Wedel. The police search was apparently successful.

After a lecturer was injured in a knife attack on the premises of the adult education center and music school in Wedel in the Pinneberg district on Friday afternoon, the police reported the arrest of two suspects on Friday. The two are brothers in their early 20s, according to the police. The police suspect an attempted homicide. The motive for the act is still unclear.

Victim in life-threatening condition

The incident occurred in the parking lot of the building complex, a police spokesperson said. The teacher reportedly suffered life-threatening injuries with multiple stab wounds to the neck and back and is said to be 67 years old. According to police, the man was taken to the hospital. The police believe that the victim and the perpetrators knew each other. The injured party was able to identify the possible attackers after the incident, the police further reported. They currently do not suspect a rampage attack.

VIDEO: Wedel: Teacher seriously injured in knife attack (1 min)

Wedel’s mayor shocked

Wedel’s mayor, Julia Fisauli-Aalto (CDU), expressed her dismay over the incident: “I am deeply shaken and shocked that such an act has occurred in our small town.” She thanked the emergency services and was impressed by the smooth cooperation between the police, ambulance service, and fire department. Her thoughts are with the injured and his family.

Backgrounds unclear

The police spokesperson did not rule out the possibility that the suspects are students, but also did not confirm it. Initially, there was a search for up to three suspects. However, it now appears that there are only two perpetrators, he said.

After the incident, police officers cordoned off the school building. The police were on-site with as many as ten patrol cars. A helicopter from the special operations command (SEK) in Hamburg also assisted in the search. Several ambulances were also present.

19.07.2024 4:31 PM

In an earlier version of the article, we referred to a female teacher. However, the victim is male. We have corrected the error.

Further information

Teacher Stabbed in Wedel: Two Suspects Arrested in Shocking Attack

According to police, all four individuals arrested on Friday are now free, as there is no urgent suspicion of a crime.

Map of Schleswig-Holstein. A magnifying glass is in the foreground. © NDR

The current census shows how people live together in Wedel.

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19.07.2024 | 5:00 PM

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