Teacher Turns Classroom into Airplane for First-Graders in Cedar Hill, Texas | Southwest Airlines Offers Real Field Trip

by time news

2023-11-25 12:02:00
Teacher Turns Classroom into Airplane, Takes First-Graders on Virtual Trip to Mexico

The forest has no boundaries, it can take us wherever we want. One such story is now catching the attention of social media. Children complain while taking classes and have not traveled by air yet. But then the teacher said that it was okay to leave. A teacher has turned her classroom into an airplane for her first-graders in Cedar Hill, Texas.

Traveled from Cedar Hill School in Texas to Mexico. The first step was to create a passport. The children stopped in line and had their photos taken and fake passports fixed. The children arrived ready for the trip on the classroom flight prepared by teacher Sonja White. The 46-year-old teacher became a front office worker at the airport to receive passengers. Before boarding the plane, the passenger’s boarding pass, passport, and bags were checked by this employee.

After completing the security instructions, the passengers entered the classroom named Mexico Flight of the famous airline Southwest. They showed the children all the equipment needed for a flight. Not only was the classroom set up like an airplane seat, but a video of the plane taking off on YouTube was shown at the front of the class. Next in the video, the teacher herself appeared as a flight attendant. Passengers were provided snacks and water during the 15-minute flight.

When the flight “landed” in Mexico and the passengers disembarked, they responded with “good trip”. The teacher welcomed the children to Mexico by greeting them in Spanish. The food left by the mothers of the students was prepared for the travelers in a restaurant in Mexico. An opportunity to shop was also provided for the passengers who arrived in Mexico. The classroom flight, which went viral on social media, was seen by millions of people.

Many people came to the stage praising the teacher. After this, Southwest Airlines, inspired by the teacher, came with another surprise for the teacher and the children. The airline decided to give the class a real field trip. Southwest Airlines invited children and teachers to go on a trip to learn firsthand how airplanes work. The children are thrilled that their dream has come true.
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