Teachers accuse dismissals from Prepa en Línea; will promote shelters

by time news

At least a thousand advisers and tutors from Prepa online- SEP they would be eliminated from the program, because the Ministry of Public Education (SEP) established that only those who do not exceed 12 hours of work in some other teaching or government position will be rehired, which will leave them precariousaccused affected.

Under the argument of a temporary contract that will only be 36 hours a week, without benefits or insurance, the educational authority is making calls to force advisors and tutors, as teachers are known in this model, to decide for their current positions or for temporary work.

The Coalition of Online Education Workers (CTEL) assured that at least a thousand advisors work in another public institution that does not guarantee them a decent salary, and despite this, they could no longer continue in the strategy Prepare online.

It is the case of Fernandoa high school teacher who since last year has been collaborating with Prepa online- SEP, as a way to improve his income and because of the ease of schedules that the strategy provided.

The teacher, who prefers to omit his last name for fear of reprisals, teaches 20 hours of classes in the Agricultural Technological Baccalaureate Center (CBTA) in Tecoanapa, Guerrero, for which he receives around 8 thousand pesos a month.

The salary of Online High School allowed him to complete for the support of his family, but in February he received a call in which he was notified that his 20 hours as a teacher, in one of the most vulnerable population areas, prevented him from being part of the program again.

“It is a generalized feeling of injustice, I have complied from the beginning, I took the courses they requested, I serve 70 students through this system and they simply tell me that due to my workload I am no longer compatible, it is not even part time, with what What I earn is not enough for me, that’s why I was in Prepa Online”, he said.

Fernando and at least a dozen teachers plan to file an injunction against the measure that prevents them from participating in the strategy.

Online High School is a model that emerged during the administration of Peña grandson with the aim of providing virtual education, a non-school and flexible option, to those students who accredit their studies at the secondary level, and whose curricular structure would be organized in 23 modules, which would allow them to continue studies at the higher level or join the field labor.

From 2014, the date on which this educational service emerged, until last year, teachers dedicated up to 20 hours of work each week for a monthly salary of around 11 thousand pesosunder an outsourcing contract.

The SEP subcontracted Online High School to a company to which he allocated a budget, which among other things was destined to cover the teachers’ fees.

Due to the fact that last year a reform was approved to regulate outsourcing, now the SEP conditions them to have a quarterly contract with the dependency with an annual bonus, but without social security.

For this reason, the CTEL denounced that the SEP launched a new hiring call, ignoring the teaching staff, which it forced to take a refresher course in the last semester of 2021.

With this, in addition, he ignores that the work was sustained thanks to advisors and tutors since 2014, who since then have not had job stability.

“With the elimination of outsourcing, better working conditions were expected, but instead the situation of many teachers who are about to lose an income that allows them to have a decent life has only worsened,” the coalition said.

The SEP has reported that a “significant number” of virtual advisors stated that they work more than 12 hours in some federal or state institution, so they cannot be rehired, since exceeding the limit of hours established in the numeral 5.1. of the Standard to regulate the compatibility for the performance of two or more jobs, positions, commissions or contracts, issued by the Ministry of Public Administration (SFP), they could not collaborate in this educational service.

What’s more, virtual advisors and school tutors must have an authorized opinion of job compatibility that, in total, does not exceed 48 hours per week.

Teacher A, who also prefers anonymity, has been working in this system since 2019. He said that Payments were always late but that he remained in it because of its flexibility.

“Although we did not know if they were going to pay it that month, we already knew that the money would arrive at some point. We continue to work on the pandemic, despite the fact that we always had to use our resources for the internet and various technological tools. Now without further ado they tell us that we have to choose, a poorly paid job that offers moderate security, or opt for them and a job without social security and that must be renewed every three months. It’s not worth it,” he lamented.


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