Teachers will receive an exceptional bonus from 1,250 to 2,262 soles

by time news

In order to be a beneficiary of this exceptional bonus, teachers must be registered in the AIRHSP application

The Ministry of Education (MINEDU) He reported that More than 2,000 teachers appointed and hired from 104 public higher education institutes and schools nationwide will be creditors of a bonus exceptional ranging from 1,250 a 2,262this after a collective agreement signed with the Union of Teachers of Public Pedagogical Higher Education of Peru.

In this regard, the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) and MINEDU approved a transfer of budget to regional governments for an amount of more than 2 million that will be delivered in the first days of April.

[LEE: https://larazon.pe/onp-dara-a-asegurados-bono-de-reconocimiento-de-s-3600/]


It should be noted that, This payment is not related to the bonuses that correspond to the payroll worker lawIn other words, it is not associated with pension remuneration, social charges, or their monthly payments.

Also, youNor does it constitute the basis for calculating other benefits, nor the allowance for time of service.nor the compensation for time of service or any other type of bonuses, assignments or deliveries, this according to the Supreme Decree.

[READMORE:https://elmenpe/el-estado-tiene-mas-de-s-2-000-millones-para-cumplir-con-todos-los-fonavistas/[LEEMÁS: https://elmenpe/el-estado-tiene-mas-de-s-2-000-millones-para-cumplir-con-todos-los-fonavistas/


In order to be a beneficiary of this bonus, Teachers must be registered in the computer application for the Centralized Register of Forms and Data of Human Resources of the Public Sector of the Ministry of Economy and Finance by January 2023.


Regarding remunerations, the professors of the public schools that work 30 hours currently receive a salary of S/ 2,500.20, while those who work a 40-hour day earn S/ 3,333.60. And, teachers who are in the second scale receive 10% more, which is equivalent to S/ 2,750.22 and S/ 3,666.96, respectively.

On the third scale, a teacher with 30 hours receives S/ 3,000.24 and S/ 4,000.32 if his workday is 40 hours a week, which represents 120% of the base salary. Those who are located in the fourth scale receive 130% of the minimum salary, while those in the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth scale earn 150%, 175%, 190% and 210% respectively.


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