Teaching and learning is a challenge

by time news

2023-04-14 17:18:46

Technology has been integrated into education in processes ranging from academic planning and evaluation to student monitoring, and in this way it has provided a series of benefits that help improve efficiency and productivity within institutions. educational. Teaching and learning is a challenge, in recent years, all educators have had to update their knowledge to use these tools and change the way they teach in the classroom, because the continuous evolution of technology represents an advantage for Education, through its development little by little, contributes to increasing the quality of the teaching-learning processes.

Tell us, what benefits has the use of technology in the classroom had?
Teaching and learning is a challenge, lately technology has helped the education system a lot, although it is true that flaws have been found, but that is relative, because the pandemic surprised us all, so we started over and learned about the technological issue in one way or another; However, it must be emphasized that there were certain errors within the educational system, especially by not fully considering the situation around the Internet service, due to the fact that it was evident that it did not reach all sectors, and this event hindered the development of the classes and did not help so that the educational processes develop in the best way. With what has been learned through trial and error, correction was sought to improve the virtual space through which classes were offered, although for many students it was easier to withdraw, mainly due to the socioeconomic issue of families; However, it can be said that at the level of the Riobamba institutions, school dropout did not occur.

What prompted students to leave the classroom during the virtual season?
The virtual experience was phenomenal, despite the fact that we all had to learn again, each student and teacher looked for a way to make it work. However, there were scenarios in which, due to the lack of internet or not having a tool such as a computer or laptop, in many cases they only had one cell phone for two or three children or young people, so these situations were reflected in that some students had to drop out.

Now, that it has returned to face-to-face, do you consider that the students have returned to the classroom?
It is expected that they have done so because, practically, it was in the rural sector where more school dropouts were evident, and precisely for the reasons mentioned above; in the city it was little or almost nothing. However, in any case, with the return to the educational units little by little they have tried to join and continue with the classes to keep up to date and not be left behind in these important educational processes for the development of children and young people; although the fact of leaving the studies during virtuality, in several cases, much depended on the students, since there was no loss of the year, it did not matter to them to attend classes or not.

So, what have been the difficulties in returning to classrooms in person?
Yes, there were quite a few difficulties, especially because many students did not engage in online classes, and it was a great challenge to motivate them to attend virtual classes, because many, under the pretext that the internet or the cameras failed, did not enter, but there are It must be emphasized that those who wanted to take advantage of it did so, and the consequences of this were evident in person, when it came to addressing the issues that were discussed in the online classes, and there we realized that in reality the failures or excuses were purpose, and that delayed the usual process a bit. Regarding these academic gaps, I believe that it will take time because this return was to start over once again, gradually they have been adapting to this mode of teaching, emphasizing that the teachers did everything possible so that during virtuality they can reach all the students, but when there was no help from them, the objective desired by all cannot be fully met.

#Teaching #learning #challenge

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