Tebet speaks at least 6 months to approve tax

by time news

Tebet went to Lira’s office to start negotiations and make himself available to discuss the tax reform

After a meeting with the mayor, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), the Minister of Planning and Budget, Simone Tebet, said this Thursday, 2nd, that it is not possible to approve a tax reform in less than six months. Therefore, according to her, the 2024 Budget Guidelines Law (LDO), which needs to be sent by the economic team to Congress by April, should not take into account any changes in the country’s taxation model.

“The tax reform is a process that starts now, but we are, more or less, defining something in around six months. It is not possible to talk about a tax reform in less time than that”, said Tebet, to journalists. “So, you can’t present an LDO thinking about a tax reform that hasn’t even started to be processed”, she added.

On Wednesday, the minister estimated approval of the matter in Congress by July 15.

Tebet went to Lira’s office to begin negotiations and make himself available to discuss the tax reform. “We go into details of merit rather than form,” he said.

She also said that she passed on to the President of the Chamber the concern of the States with the loss of ICMS revenues. Last week, the governors met with President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva to ask for the recomposition of losses with recent changes in the collection of the tax.

The Minister of Planning pointed out that the tax reform must start with the Chamber. As Broadcast Politico (Grupo Estado’s real-time news system) showed, Lira wants to create a working group in February to discuss the matter.

“So that we can align a text together, Chamber and Senate, always putting Senate leaders to participate, so that when the reform of the Chamber comes out, it will be as close as possible to a definitive text that the Senate will have identity and comfort to vote,” said Tebet. “We don’t have to set a deadline, we don’t know the new Legislature, we have to give them their time. amended.


Simone Tebet stated that the focus of Planning will be on the LDO, which should go hand in hand with the fiscal rule that will replace the spending ceiling – which limits the growth of government expenses to inflation variation. “It is important because the LDO already needs to have, at least, guidelines that will come to be incorporated into the new anchor, new fiscal framework”, she said.

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