Teen Rescues Horse Sucked into Marshland in Blekinge Forest | Incredible Survival Story

by time news

17-Year-Old Girl and Horse Rescued from Marshland in Blekinge’s Forest

Updated: 19:20 | Published: 6:35 p.m

On Monday, 17-year-old Lou from Karlskrona found herself in a life-threatening situation when she and her horse, Down South, got lost in Blekinge’s forests. What started as a simple ride took a dangerous turn when they unknowingly ventured into marshland.

“We had no idea where we were anymore. And then came wetlands that looked like grass,” said Lou.

Suddenly, Down South was sucked into the ground. Lou quickly jumped off the horse, doing everything in her power to save him. However, their efforts were futile, and they sank deeper into the marsh.

Within minutes, Lou managed to call the emergency services and her farrier, who was familiar with the area. The situation was nerve-wracking for Lou as she feared for both her and Down South’s lives. Horses can easily succumb to such incidents.

The rescue operation involved Lou’s family, the rescue services, and the farrier family. With a fire hose tied around Down South’s stomach and butt, they managed to pull the 550 kilogram horse out of the marsh.

“It is surprising that he managed as well as he did,” said Lou.

According to the Rescue Service, similar accidents involving horses occur more frequently than people might think. Most horses do not survive, drowning or experiencing muscle tension that can lead to organ failure.

Lou believes that Down South’s calmness played a significant role in his survival. During the time between the accident and the rescue, she comforted and supported him, allowing him to breathe calmly.

“It felt absolutely incredible. I had the attitude that we were going to work it out the whole time,” expressed Lou after the successful rescue.

Since the incident, Lou has made the decision to never ride alone again, advising others to ride with someone who knows the terrain.

The harrowing experience serves as a reminder of the potential dangers that can arise while riding in unfamiliar areas. Lou’s story emphasizes the importance of precaution and staying vigilant while enjoying horseback riding adventures.

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