Teenager killed by the police: tensions with the police in Nanterre, seven arrests

by time news

2023-06-27 21:32:04

Anger and emotions in Nanterre, after the death of Naël M., a 17-year-old teenager, killed by a police officer this Tuesday morning during a traffic check. Tensions erupted in the city center, with several outbreaks of fire and clashes between young people and police.

Around 7:15 p.m., around fifty young people gathered on avenue Henri Martin, before firing fireworks mortars towards the buildings. A scooter was set on fire. The youths were quickly dispersed by a charge of law enforcement. A few minutes later, a CCTV camera post was degraded by the start of a fire in a parking lot on Avenue Benoît Frachon in Nanterre. A man in a wheelchair was slightly injured in the eye by a firework mortar. “Trash cans are burning in almost all the cities of Nanterre”, sighs a policeman to the Parisian.

A few moments later, young people fired fireworks at the police, near avenue Jules Quentin and rue Paul Langevin. The Paris Security and Intervention Company (CSI 75), which intervened as reinforcements, responded with LBD fire and cougar jets. “We hear the shots all the way to the police station,” breathes a police source. “Thirty colleagues were taken to task. Two people were injured in these clashes.

Gathering in front of the police station

Shortly after 8 p.m., around twenty demonstrators began to gather in front of the Nanterre police station, calling for “justice for Naël”. A dozen CRS vans were deployed along the street and the police first remained in observation in front of the demonstrators chanting “police everywhere, justice nowhere”.

The situation then degenerated: barricades were erected, bus shelters destroyed and advertising hoardings set on fire. “Zilina, Pablo (Picasso), all the cities will be set ablaze”, chanted demonstrators.

Two units of mobile forces, including members of the CRS 8 – specialized in the fight against urban violence – have been deployed. Seven people were arrested in the early evening.

” That revolts me “

“We already had a certain hatred of the police, it only reinforces it. We feel anger, incomprehension, what happened to Naël is disproportionate, it revolts me”, testifies Yanis, in his twenties, participating in the demonstration before addressing the CRS: “You are going to need reinforcement . »

Sirine, 25, a resident of the Champs-Pierreux district, explains to the Parisian that she came to the rally “so that the violence that we suffer every day in the neighborhoods stops”. “The police must no longer be able to act with such impunity. It’s not normal to be shot at point-blank range at 17 for a lack of license, ”she lamented. The young woman adds that her little sister knew the victim, whom she describes as “a respectful, polite boy”. According to her, “if he had been blond with blue eyes, such a control would never have happened”.

Calls to gather in retaliation had been circulating since the beginning of the afternoon on social networks. Bus line 159, which notably crosses the Pablo-Picasso and Vieux-Pont districts, has been diverted accordingly, announced RATP. The stops between Les Graviers and Rue des Anciennes Mairies are no longer served.

In the evening, the prosecution announced that the policeman who shot the shot is currently in custody for intentional homicide. “The blood alcohol and narcotics screening operations were carried out and proved to be negative,” the prosecution also said in a press release.

Circumstances still unclear

The circumstances of the tragedy, which took place this morning at 8:15 a.m. at Place Nelson-Mandela, near the Nanterre prefecture RER station, are still unclear. Motorcycle police officers from the Public Order and Traffic Department (DOPC) of the Paris police headquarters summoned the driver of a yellow Mercedes to stop for a check. The boy would have first stopped his vehicle, before restarting suddenly.

According to the police version, an officer would have fired while the young motorist would have run over him. In a video, widely distributed on social networks, we see on the contrary that the policeman who fired was not positioned in front of the recalcitrant vehicle but at the level of the front left door. In these images, the official can be seen pointing the driver with his service weapon, before firing at point-blank range when the vehicle restarts with a bang.

Me Yassine Bouzrou, Jennifer Cambla and Abdelmadjid Benamara, the lawyers of the relatives of Naël M. have announced that they will file a complaint for murder and another for forgery in public writing. They also ask for a change of scenery.

#Teenager #killed #police #tensions #police #Nanterre #arrests

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