Tel Aviv in the Gospel for Evacuation-Construction: Improvement levy only 50%

by time news

Tel Aviv-Yafo (Flash Photography 90 / Tomer Neuberg)

A significant decision by the Tel Aviv City Council, in which evacuation-construction projects in the city will be charged an improvement levy of 50%, with the exception of 18 complexes located in the south of the city. As part of the decision, it was stated, among other things, that “there is no justification for imposing an improvement levy of less than 50% in light of the land values ​​and planning options.”

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The significant decision defines 11 areas in Jaffa and the Kfar Shalem neighborhood, where the 18 evacuation-construction projects are located, which are in various planning stages. Most of them will enjoy full exemption, while four of them – Walnut Ma’alei, Northwestern, the 84-86 pilots and the Haganah pilots will have a reduced improvement levy of 25%.

The decision also details the considerations for granting an exemption from the improvement levy, and these provide another glimpse into the city’s overall perception of development and construction in its area. Among other things, the decision included considerations such as high incoming density that makes proper planning difficult; Planning dealings with large housing units in need of renewal; Proprietary complexity Social complexity (purchase and / or empowerment of public housing); Significant public contribution, as well as lack of economic viability for programs that drive renewal processes in the space.

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Another key consideration included in the decision is the existence of a combined layout – a plan that allows demolition and reconstruction along with upgrading existing construction without demolition, all in one plan. The decision states, among other things, that “the combined outline makes it possible to maintain an affordable housing supply while mitigating the exclusion of the elderly population, and allows for the reduction of the high densities resulting from renewal processes, and the preservation of neighborhoods.” Moreover, it should be emphasized that in the combined outline there are double taxation costs – both praise tax and purchase tax), which automatically burdens the costs of each project.

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