iPhone users are reporting problems with overheating and rapid battery drain after updating Telegram messenger to version 11.5.2. Over the weekend, more than 30 negative reviews appeared in the App Store from owners of various models of Apple smartphones running iOS 18. The complaints concern unstable operation of the devices after downloading the messenger update.
As Day.Az reports with reference to Gazeta.ru, the publication iPhones.ru reports this.
According to reviews, Telegram causes the iPhone to heat up significantly, which leads to accelerated battery drain. The problem is especially noticeable when watching video content. In addition, users note increased application activity in the background.
“After today’s update, while the application is open, the phone gets hot as hell and discharges by about 12% in 20 minutes. As soon as you close the application and unload it from memory, the phone returns to normal,” complains a user with the nickname cbkorweuhvddibof.
Currently, the only solution to temporarily resolve the issue is to force close the application through the multitasking menu. It is expected that Telegram developers will soon release an update that eliminates the identified shortcomings.