Telephone operators in struggle: Collective contract is expensive, says labor lawyer

by time news

The collective contract of telephone workers is onerous and it is outside the reality of the company, which is no longer the monopoly that generated excessive wages and pensions, he assured Jorge Sales Boyoli, specialist in labor law and partner of the firm Littler.

In interview with The Herald of Mexicowarned that the labor dispute between Telephones of Mexico (Telmex) and the Union of Telephone Operators of the Mexican Republic (STRM) It has not finished. “If there is no agreement in 20 days, the union has the right to call a strike again.”

Sales Boyoli indicated that the lifting of the strike was due to an agreement between the parties, which they decided with the mediation of the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare (STyPS)dialogue at a technical table where both the company and the workers will present their requests.

However, at this dialogue table, workers’ rights cannot be canceled, but neither can an agreement be reached that violates the economic viability of the company.

The General Secretary of the STRM, Francisco Hernández Juárezindicated that the strike is the last resource of the workers that they will always use when the rights of their members are violated.

Hernández He assured that they agreed to sit down to talk to know the finances of the company and to know if it is real that Telmex its economic stability can be affected, with the requests of the workers.

The union leader indicated that Mexico Phones It came to have income of 26 billion pesos and today it has nine billion pesos, “but those incomes fell due to the bad decisions they made,” he pointed out.

Even, he added, the company’s finances worsened with the decisions made by the Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT)which forced Telmex to subsidize the use of its network to the competition.

But, he said, they cannot blame the workers, much less fail to comply with the collective contract, and insisted on reaching solutions regarding labor liabilities, unfilled vacancies and the future pension scheme.

On the same subject, the labor lawyer Jorge Sales Boyolistated that “the strike must be understood in the context of the reality of technology, the current state of labor, and the new economic times.”

Finally, he indicated that thanks to the Labor Reform, today Mexican workers are empowered and strikes will be more common from now on, proof of this is that, in the last three six-year terms, only 10 strikes were registered and in what Since this six-year term, 20 have already exploded.


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