“Tell me, what is Milei like?” | Profile 2024-02-10 10:30:00

by time news

Martino Rigacci (Special from Rome)

Hoy 07:30

ROME – Always, when an Argentine arrived in Rome, the Italians’ question was the following: “How is the country, how is Argentina?” This question has now been replaced by a less generalized, much more direct curiosity: “Tell me about Milei. Who is he, what is he like and how did she manage to win the elections?”

With Peronism in power, the interest in Argentina was different: basically for a series of reasons, such as the closeness between the two countries, in Italy Peronism – it matters little whether in power or in the opposition – is a well-known political issue, even almost familiar. In the case of the presidency of Mauricio Macri your profile It didn’t generate much curiosity: The style is very different from Milei’s, beyond the statements of recent hours that speak of a new push in the rapprochement at the parliamentary level between the two.

It is clear that in one way or another everything has now changed: from the first moment of Milei’s arrival at the Casa Rosada, there is a wave of interest that is not limited to Italy or the other countries in the region. Her figure provokes curiosity in the media, whether radio, TV, newspapers or social networks, and whether that interest comes from the left or the right. The point is to understand “what Milei is like.”

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Since his electoral victory, the new president was compared to the former presidents of Brazil (Jair Bolsonaro) and the United States (Donald Trump) and even with Viktor Orban, the fervently “sovereignty” premier of Hungary, not well known in Argentina. but it is constantly talked about in Europe, and not only in the Peninsula.

Several weeks after the November elections, the media and political curiosity aroused by the president does not cease. There are two images in which Milei was the protagonist that have undoubtedly given her a lot of fame. The first is that of the now famous chainsaw; The second is the video with his uninhibited walk in front of the blackboard in which the then presidential candidate – it was the month of August – indicated the ministries that he was going to cancel outright if he reached the Casa Rosada.

It is not necessary to be a psychonalist to intuit the deep reasons for such an impact: In both cases the key was the forcefulness of those images, the modality chosen to explain some of the underlying orientations of the “mileista” program. Perhaps there is also another explanation; In a country like Italy, with a thriving economy in many sectors but accustomed to living with a very high State debt, the issue of a drastic cut in public spending captures the interest of citizens: both those who support this type of economic policy and those who, on the contrary, reject it in horror.

2024-02-10 10:30:00

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