Temperature minus 50 degrees Celsius; Men dressed as cabbages; It Yakuts | Yakutsk | Yakutsk Temperature | Yakutsk AC | Yakutsk Freezer | Yakutsk Russia | Cold winters

by time news

If you hear about the Malayalees shivering at the sight of a little snow in the morning and the people of Delhi praying for January to pass, the people of Yakuts in Russia will ask, what is this? The coldest city in the world. That’s Yakuts. Today’s temperature is minus 50 degree Celsius. The temperature here on Sunday was minus 51 degree Celsius. The temperature here has gone below minus 64 degree Celsius. During the winter of 2018, many people’s eyelashes were frozen here.

Fish vendors poses for a picture at an open-air market in Yakutsk – (Photo : Reuters)

It is natural to wonder how many people can live in such a cold place. But this is not a problem for the Yakuts. Their secret of survival is the simple principle of not confronting the cold. Keep the body warm. Dress is the most important of them. Warm clothing and jackets are worn as layers. There will be two and three gloves. Add to this a scarf, winter hats and boots. Yakuts look like cabbage when it’s cold.


Fish vendors Marina Krivolutskaya and Marianna Ugai pose for a picture at an open-air market in Yakutsk – (Photo : Reuters)

At the fish market in Yakutsk, vendors do not need refrigerators or freezers. This is what Nurgsun Starostina, who runs a shop here, says. ‘We don’t feel cold. Because when the cold comes, our brains are ready to face it. It tells us that everything is normal. And how can the cold be a problem?’


An open-air market on a frosty day in Yakutsk – (Photo : Reuters)

Yakuts, on the banks of the Lena River, is the capital of the Sakha Republic in the northeastern tip of Russia. Sakha has been an autonomous region since 1922. Despite being Russia’s largest province, Sakha has a population of less than one million. More than three and a half million people live in the city of Yakuts. The Siberian Yakuts make up half of the population and about 39 percent are of Russian descent. Yakuts is the fastest growing city in the northeastern region of Russia.


A spirit thermometer displays the approximate air temperature outside a hotel in central Yakutsk – (Photo : Reuters)

The bitter cold usually brings the Yakuts to the news. But the massive forest fire that broke out last July is still a concern for the city dwellers. They don’t even want to remember those days when black smoke covered the entire region. They cite frequent wildfires and hot July temperatures as major evidence that climate change is changing the Siberian Arctic.

In world’s coldest city temperature is -50 and people are ‘dressed like cabbage’

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