Temporary Suspension of A21 Child Benefit Portal Until July 31, 2024: Key Dates and Requirements for Applicants

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The electronic platform A21 – Child Benefit is temporarily closed from Friday, July 5, 2024 the electronic platform A21 – Child Benefit.

The electronic platform does not accept new applications until the clearance and payment of the 3rd bi-monthly installment is completed.

Upon completion of the payment, the electronic platform will be reactivated for new applications on Wednesday, July 31, starting at 08:00 in the morning.

Interested beneficiaries are reminded that in order to grant the child benefit, the application must have been formally submitted and approved. An application that has been temporarily saved is considered not submitted and will not be taken into account.

Payment of the 3rd installment on July 31

The bi-monthly installment, which concerns the months of May and June, will be paid on Wednesday, July 31, 2024, the last working day of the month along with the other benefits.

It is noted that eligible beneficiaries of the Child Benefit can submit their application on the IDIKA platform, www.idika.gr or through the website, www.opeka.gr using their personal access codes on Taxisnet.

The eligible amount will be calculated based on the dependent children declared in the A21 application for the year 2024 and the total family income that the beneficiaries had for the tax year 2022.

After submitting the Income Tax Declaration for the current year, the incomes for the tax year 2023 will be taken into account for calculating the eligible amount.

It is emphasized that among the conditions that will be checked for granting the child benefit are: the enrollment of the dependent children in compulsory education – from pre-kindergarten to middle school – as well as adequate attendance.

In the A21 application, it is essential to enter in the relevant fields:

  • the details of the School Unit,
  • the grade and the Registration Number of the child attending compulsory education.

If all the data of the student are cross-checked, the application can proceed normally. If the data do not match, a relevant alert will appear, and the applicant is required to attach the necessary documentation to the electronic A21 application.

To complete the application, it must be formally submitted and approved. An application that has been temporarily saved is considered not submitted and will not be taken into account.

Beneficiaries of the child benefit are:

  • Greek citizens,
  • foreign nationals of Greek descent who hold a Greek descent card,
  • citizens of EU member states,
  • citizens of countries belonging to the European Economic Area (Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein) and Swiss citizens,
  • recognized refugees residing permanently in Greece, whose residence status is governed by the provisions of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, as amended by the New York Protocol of 1967,
  • stateless persons whose residence status in Greece is governed by the provisions of the 1954 Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons,
  • beneficiaries of humanitarian status,
  • citizens of other states.

Payment dates

  • The first installment payment to beneficiaries was made on March 29.
  • The second installment payment to beneficiaries was made on May 31, 2024, the last working day of the month, along with the other benefits from OPEKA.
  • The third installment will be paid on Wednesday, July 31.
  • The fourth installment of the Child Benefit A21 will be paid on Monday, September 30.
  • The fifth installment will be credited to the accounts of the beneficiaries on Friday, November 29, 2024.
  • The sixth installment will traditionally be paid before Christmas, specifically between December 20 and 23.

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