Ten commitments for change in Epirus

by time news

2023-09-12 14:06:55

Editorial RoomCurrent Affairs

With ten commitments for the first year of governance in the Region, the candidate regional governor Yiannis Stefos accompanied the presentation of the program and the ballots of the “Public of Epirot” faction, in an event on Monday evening in the hall of the Du Lac hotel.

The event was attended by SYRIZA MPs from Epirus Olga Gerovasilis, Kostas Barkas and Meropi Tzoufis, former MPs Marios Katsis, Vassilis Tsirkas, Christos Mantas, the former rector of the University of Ioannina Triantafyllos Albanis and the former mayor of Ioannina Filippas Filios, officials of the local government et al., while the leader of the faction, Giorgos Zapsas, spoke with warm words about the continuation of the faction today at the regional council.

The event was focused on the party’s program, the presentation of which was undertaken in sections by the candidates Iliana Tsoliou, Nikos Vranos, Savvas Dimitriadis, Spyros Danis and Dimitris Tziallas, with Yiannis Stefos giving his speech the stamp of the pre-election campaign.

“We deserve a different Epirus from the one we have been used to in recent years, from the one built by the multi-year regional authority of Mr. Kahrimanis,” he quoted, emphasizing that Al. Kahrimanis recently presented as a project of the regional authority projects, whose studies, funds and their completion took place during the governance of SYRIZA (completion of Ionian Road, airport upgrade, restoration of Plaka Bridge, etc.)

“We are not discounting anyone’s work, but we really want to understand how and why, despite the triumphalisms, the Continent of underdevelopment is here, the Continent of abandonment and desertification is here, the Continent of inequalities, poverty and unemployment is here, the Epirus of uncontrolled wind turbines and mining is here,” he said, giving evidence of the regression of Epirus during the Kahrimanis term. “We don’t want such a continent. And we want to ask what will change, what will he achieve in the next five years, if Mr. Kahrimanis is re-elected, which he did not do in the previous 30-plus years?”, he wondered and added: “With seriousness and efficiency, the time has come of change in the Region of Epirus. I know the problems. I know central authority. I know how I can claim from the central authority.”

The ten commitments for the first year of governance in the Region are as follows:

Immediately upgrade the operation of the regional council as the main decision-making center for transparency and accountability. Drawing up a new strategy for the basic infrastructures per Regional Unit and Municipality (roads, irrigation, etc.) in collaboration with local agencies to increase the local GDP by strengthening agriculture, manufacturing and tourism. Organization of a family protection and support network with Youth Activity Centers and Counseling Stations, which will operate in the afternoon in school complexes in consultation with the municipalities. Emphasis on non-urban areas where children are excluded from educational, cultural and sporting activities offered in cities. Design and organization of the operation of producer groups and cooperatives to reduce energy costs, fertilizer and feed costs in the primary sector. Formation and implementation of specialized local training programs for the long-term unemployed and vulnerable groups, for their integration into the labor market. Streamlining the direct procurement and procurement regime so that all professionals can equally participate in projects and procurements. Consolidation of the operation of TOEB and planning of alternative, economical sources of water supply. Immediate reinforcement of forest protection and protection of settlements from forest fires with fire protection zones, as well as promotion of tree planting. Strengthening flood protection. Creation of a new, specialized campaign for tourism from Greece and other countries for the tourism product of each Regional Unit separately. Targeting the tourism of the four seasons. Direct promotion of Epirus in the countries of the European Union and the Balkans as an attractive destination for investments.

“We are not here, so many and so worthy to record a decent percentage. We are here so many and so worthy to turn the situation around. We are here because it is a time of responsibility. Either we change the Continent now or we continue a blind path into an uncertain illustrated, virtual future. We owe it to our traveling ancestors, to ourselves but above all to our children”, concluded G. Stefos, with the event concluding with the presentation of the candidates of all four Regional Units.

#Ten #commitments #change #Epirus

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