Ten professions to work with ChatGPT

by time news

ChatGPT grew quickly and reached 100 million active users in just two months. Technology promises to bring new professions to those who want to work with Artificial Intelligence.

Lucas Oggiam, executive director of recruitment consultancy PageGroup, told the magazine Forbes that public acceptance has provoked the interest of companies to implement this system. The new technology can heat up the market and launch new professions, contrary to expectations that artificial intelligence puts human labor at risk. “Everything indicates that ChatGPT will make the virtual environment completely new and favorable to new job opportunities”, observed Oggiam.

PageGroup, in partnership with ChatGPT, listed ten professions that promise to emerge with the arrival of OpenAI.

1) Manager Chatbot

The professional manages and monitors the conversation between the chatbot and the user. It is responsible for the collection, analysis and continuous improvement of data in order to improve the user experience.

2) Developer of Chatbot

Responsible for creating, designing and implementing chatbots. Works on creating Artificial Intelligence algorithms to correctly recognize user intentions.

3) Technician Chatbot

Adjusts and maintains conversation robots. He develops the robot’s dialogue, programs its responses, and helps make sure the tool responds to the user correctly.

4) Analyst Chatbot

It is responsible for analyzing Artificial Intelligence data and configuring and improving chatbotto enhance the user experience.

5) Specialist in Artificial Intelligence

Its role is to develop solutions that enhance the ability of the software to learn and reason.

6) User Experience Designer Chatbot

He is responsible for developing solutions that improve the user experience and help customers find the information they are looking for easily and clearly. The professional has to ensure intuitive navigation, clear conversation flows, visuals and games.

7) Consultant Chatbot

Its function is to help the client to develop, implement and manage chatbots smart in order to improve the user experience. The professional works directly with the client and aims to understand their needs and develop effective processes and solutions.

8) Data engineers for Chatbot

It is responsible for building and maintaining algorithms and databases that allow the chatbot answer user questions.

9) Developer of machine learning models for Chatbot

Its function is to create algorithms that allow chatbots recognize and understand the context of the dialogue between users and robots. He is also responsible for programming the chatbot to adjust its responses to users’ information needs.

10) Researcher Chatbot

The researcher is responsible for creating a software interactive and intuitive, providing pleasant experiences to users. Among its duties are the development and improvement of bots existing ones, including data collection; the creation of strategies for interaction; the study of best practices in the sector; the application of Artificial Intelligence systems; and the evaluation of the responses and behaviors of the bot.

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