Ten years of achievements despite adversities

by time news

2023-04-16 18:35:27

As ten years have passed since the presidential election that placed Nicolás Maduro to lead the reins of Venezuela, the Expo Gobierno 2023, mounted on the Los Próceres monumental promenade in Caracas 2023, makes visible the work carried out by each State institution to offer peace and quality of life to the Venezuelan people.

Not a few things have happened in these decades, but it is undeniable that the country’s population has been able to overcome the difficulties to overcome them and, with the support of the national government, climb the slope of the difficult days that have been lived. The work of the Great Housing Mission Venezuela stands out, which this Friday the 14th delivered house number 4,500,000 in the Terrazas de las Cinco Águilas Blancas Community, in the state of Mérida.

“We can safely say that the system of missions and great missions to guarantee the social rights of the people created by our commander Chávez, is alive, developing, dynamic and permanent,” said President Nicolás Maduro.

The national president assured that it would have been impossible to take care of the rights of the people without the system of missions and great missions, adding elements to guarantee all rights to housing, food, among other social systems.

The bastions of struggle

In 10 years of management, the government has faced economic, media, and terrorist attacks to affect the quality of life of the Venezuelan people and seek, through violence, a regime change in the country.

To say that all this war is promoted from the United States is not an exaggeration, because it is the same US officials who have publicly pointed it out. However, the national government has sought formulas and mechanisms to confront and defeat the attacks.

Heir to President Hugo Chávez, Nicolás Maduro has had to continue a management that guarantees the right to health, education, food and housing for the Venezuelan people, for which social missions. One of the most important tools used by the revolutionary government to protect the people is the country card and the Patria system, an innovative program of direct economic contributions to financially help the most vulnerable.

Nationally produced potatoes

Another program that stands out is the Great Housing Mission Venezuela, started in 2011 by Commander Hugo Chávez to assist families who had lost their homes due to the heavy rains registered in the country at the end of 2010 and beginning of 2011. Then the mission It was extended to the rest of the population, prioritizing families that did not have the financial resources to purchase a home due to the high cost of real estate, for which subsidized housing was awarded.

To date, 4,500,000 homes have been delivered to families that did not have their own roof, and now live in suitable and comfortable environments to live with dignity.

Given the systematic attack on the economy and national production with the set of unilateral coercive measures imposed from the United States, the national government created the local supply and production committees (Clap), in order to bring food from the basic diet to six millions of families with difficulties in accessing food products.

As a formula to face the economic difficulties and to be able to maintain the health and school facilities, the military community brigades for education and health (bricomiles) were created and they responded to the requests made by the 1×10 System of Good Government.

The Barrio Adentro mission has continued to contribute to health in the communities of the country. Their support, through the different services, maintains primary care and specialized tests and exams despite the heavy blows to the national economy.

At the Government Expo 2023, a worker from the Barrio Adentro Mission highlighted the deployment of Barrio Adentro through the Smile and Miracle missions, among others. “There are hundreds of thousands of actions that have been carried out to protect our people, guaranteeing health,” he said.

An exhibition that highlights the struggle. The exhibition set up this weekend on the Los Próceres promenade in Caracas shows the government’s capabilities and the people’s struggle to overcome adversities, sabotage, sanctions and corruption, while with the encouragement of public servants and the general population, the action of the government of Nicolás Maduro Moros.

In a warm, pleasant and festive atmosphere, as is customary in the activities of the Revolution, in Los Próceres the ministries of the National Executive meet to show their plans, programs and actions aimed at improving the quality of life of the Venezuelan people.

Throughout the fair you can see the 33 ministries, the 1×10 System of Good Government and the Homeland System, distributed in 36 stands where some of the achievements of the National Government management that seek to refine actions and consolidate efforts that result in productive development of the nation.

“For 10 years we have faced all circumstances, we have trusted the people, in their creative powers, that people who have shown their faces and have responded heroically with struggles, have touched them and their strength is impressive,” said the president Nicolás Maduro during the opening act of the fair. “Ten years later I feel proud of the battle we have given, of the people of Venezuela and the history we are building,” said the president.

Buffalo cattle were exhibited at the expo

The cattle, pigs and goats present there recall the productive potential of Creole livestock. The smell of the farmyard with the bellowing of the animals is combined in an atmosphere that evokes the hard and tireless work of the meat industry and its derivatives.

The cheeses, also present in a stand, present the rich variety of the national production of dairy products and their derivatives. White, mozzarella and goat cheese stand out for the tasting that brings together many to delight palates and to be able to explain their ways of preparation and subsequent sale and consumption.

The voice of the people that supports the fight.

Many people were present this Saturday at the Government Expo 2023 to learn about the actions of the national government.

Enriqueta Acosta recalled the moments that have been experienced in these ten years and recognized that President Maduro has not had an easy time, because of everything we have experienced.

“Economic war, guarimbas with a lot of violence, scarcity of basic supplies, both for the daily life of the people and for the operation of many industries and services, attacks by the world right, betrayal by high officials of the Executive and the Fanb, attempts to invasion by Colombia and the Caribbean, assassination attempts, I believe that the support of a broad sector of the population has never lacked, which has resisted and resists and has not allowed it, especially in the hardest years, 2016, 2017 , 2018 and 2019, that a social outbreak occurs, which is what the right has wanted to cause. And I think that this has been possible because of the awareness generated in the people by the message of Hugo Chávez while he was still alive and still valid”.

Another visitor to the Expo, Mayira Hernández, maintained that “10 years ago we gave a great lesson in loyalty by supporting the Revolution; after the unfortunate loss of our Commander Hugo Chávez, but we stood up to fulfill him and lead our president Nicolás Maduro to be the president of all and although we have received attacks, invasion attempts, coup d’état, and We have all come out stronger, none of this would have been possible without the courage of our president and the heroic people who have resisted during these years.

In 10 years the homicide rate decreased

Fanb uniforms and equipment are part of the exhibition / Bernardo Suárez

Homicides have decreased in the country in the last ten years, reported the Vice Minister of Prevention, Citizen Security and Peace Quadrants, Endes Palencia Ortiz.

“In the last ten years we have had a decrease in the homicide rate per hundred thousand inhabitants. In 2016 we had 56 homicide victims per hundred thousand inhabitants, in 2017 we brought that rate to 47 homicides, by 2018 we brought it to 33 and by the end of 2022, according to figures from the Venezuelan Security Observatory , we have reached the figure of 7 homicide victims for every 100,000 inhabitants”, announced Palencia Ortiz during the Government Expo 2023. The official mentioned that these figures intersect with those maintained by the Scientific, Criminal and Criminal Investigation Corps (Cicpc). .

“This reduction in the homicide rate per hundred thousand inhabitants means that public policy has been effective,” he said. Palencia Ortiz also commented that in order to optimize the criminal investigation, 42 new Cicpc offices have been opened throughout the country.

“Now we have 116 Cicpc delegations throughout the territory of the Republic,” he said. The goal, to strengthen the peace quadrants, is to reach one hundred thousand officers of the Bolivarian National Police. “We now have 2,469 peace squares and the vision of the Commander in Chief is to take them to 3,000 squares this year and 4,000 next year. We must strengthen the attention and protection of the people, ”he pointed out.

89% of water complaints have been resolved

The Minister for Water Attention, Rodolfo Marco Torres, said that the vast majority of the complaints made through the Ven App application have been resolved. The statement was made by him, he said, during the Government Expo 2023 on Paseo Los Próceres in Caracas. Marco Torres assured that thanks to the 1 x 10 of the Good Government and “through line 58, of the Ven App application, we are receiving the people’s report every day.”

“We have already solved 89.25% of those complaints made by the people on the issue of drinking water, and on the issue of sewage. We already have that of the 98,000 complaints that we have received, almost 90,000 have been resolved and we continue to move forward,” added the minister.

He also stated that in the coming days it will be one year of the 1 x 10 of Good Government, “a tool that allows territorializing the problems of the people to give them answers.” The minister reflected on the time elapsed.

“Ten years of commitment, ten years of loyalty, ten years with Commander Chávez’s backpack. There you see our President Nicolás Maduro Moros, our warrior and fighter president, every day, always in some activity, in some day. No one can say the opposite of our president’s commitment to his people, always with the backpack of our Commander Chávez. And Chávez always present, ”he said. Rodolfo Marco Torres who invited the population to visit Expo Gobierno 2023, “so they can see all the strengths and developments that have been presented, and how we are advancing hand in hand with Popular Power, of course, and the private sector. Because here you will also see people and companies from the private sector committed to the people, committed to their country to continue producing”.

With information from Leonardo Zurita and Odry Farnetano.

#Ten #years #achievements #adversities

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