Tenants create a union to raise rent: “Together we are stronger”

by time news

2023-09-22 07:47:57

Tomorrow, from 12:30 p.m., in front of the O Calvario market, representatives of this group will announce it: They will distribute leaflets with their demands and inform passers-by to gain membership. “In Spain, it is impossible to have a stable life project as a tenant or owner due to the lack of legal protection and, above all, due to the growing precariousness and increase in housing prices. The landlords and bankers are organized; Starting today, we tenants will also be organized,” they highlight.

Rent rose in Vigo more than in Madrid, Bilbao or Seville in the last eight years

Telmo emphasizes that The rent problem is “very serious”. To explain it, he cites the information published by FARO a little over two weeks ago: according to statistics prepared by the Idealista real estate portal – it brings together the largest number of homes available on the market –, The average price per square meter since 2015 increased by 38.8%: it went from 6.7 euros to 9.3. That is, to live in a 50 square meter apartment, you had to spend 335 euros eight years ago; now, 465 euros, 130 more than then.

rental price in vigo W Hugo Barreiro

“The administrations must apply the new Housing Law. We are in a position to regulate rent in Vigo: we live in a stressed area, since the two requirements established by the norm for this are met due to the evolution of the price based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and housing costs based on the average income. The salaries are what they are and they ask for your right kidney and your left eye to start being a tenant. This situation must be solved: people must have a place to live and a stable, dignified and affordable life project. It’s common sense,” he explains.

Owners rent apartments for months to avoid the obligations of the housing law

The spokesperson for the new union also emphasizes the proliferation of tourist apartments, “which are more than traditional rental homes”. Actually, there are many more: practically triple. The first number more than 1,330, according to the Registry of tourist companies and activities of the Xunta; the latter, around 450. “We have to limit them,” says Telmo. This is one of the demands with which the group was born, which is an evolution of the PAH.

“Many of us come from that group,” he explains before indicating the causes of this “transformation.” “It is due to the problem of rent, which is much more pressing than that of mortgages, which is still a problem: the bank maintains profits at the expense of putting pressure on the neighbors,” he adds.. He argues that unions of this type “are growing throughout Spain.” “The first was born in Barcelona in 2017. We have already contacted the one in Madrid, which has been operating for quite some time, and advises us on the statutes or how to manage the fees. He offers us legal advice,” he adds.

The price of housing prevents the emancipation of nine out of every 10 young people in Vigo

With the intention of making more neighbors aware of the union, its members posted posters this week in environments frequented by young people, one of the age groups most affected by the high price of rent and the difficulty of accessing home ownership. Telmo highlights that organizing in this way will allow tenants “to be more protected and advised.”

Stop evictions

Among the demands that give life to the union are the rent stability, price regulation, the end of evictions, the mobilization of empty homes (about 13,000 according to the real estate employers), the increase in public rental housing stockthat the expenses derived from the rent be assumed by the landlord, eradicate the abuses of intermediaries and energy poverty, and that the banks assume the rise in the Euribor.

#Tenants #create #union #raise #rent #stronger

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