Tension grows: La Cámpora suspends an act after the installation of fences and calls for a demonstration in Recoleta

by time news

After the questioning of the referent of The Campora and Development Minister of Buenos Aires, Andrés Larroque, fencing arranged by the city of Buenos Aires in the surroundings of the department of Vice President Cristina Kirchner In Recoleta, due to the massive presence of militants, the Kirchnerist group suspended the act that it had planned for this Saturday and called to concentrate in the area of ​​Juncal and Paraná.

“Today’s act in Parque Lezama is suspended. Larreta’s billboards are not going to stop support for Cristina. Everyone to the Plaza de Juncal and Paraná, Everyone with Cristina”, the national senator for the City of Buenos Aires and president of the capital’s PJ harangued on Twitter, Mariano Recaldewhile the mayor of Quilmes, Mayra Mendozareplied: “When the peoples exhaust their patience, they make the lesson thunder. See you in Juncal”.

Another of the voices of the ruling party that called for mobilization through social networks was that of the social leader Juan Graboiswhich expressed: “We are going to Montevideo and Uruguay to demand that CFK be guaranteed political freedom and to those of us who love it. In 1945 they tried to lift the bridges. Atime they raise fences. But the walls always falln. Read the story. We are waiting for you”.

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