Tension in Asia | South Korea and the US begin the largest maneuvers with live fire in the midst of the arms escalation of Pyongyang

by time news

2023-05-25 16:13:20

Troubled days are coming to the Korean peninsula. South Korea y USA have started this Thursday major military maneuvers with live fire to date and a proportionate North Korean response is taken for granted. The crisis comes just two months after other allied exercises pushed Pyongyang to show off the best of its weapons showcase. There was never a lack of noise in the area, but the arrival of the conservatives at the Casa Azul has aggravated it.

It is the eleventh edition of the “Combined Fire Killing Maneuvers” since they began in 1977 and its current pachyderm size honors the 70 years of the South Korean-American military alliance. This Thursday was the first day of the five with real fire scheduled until mid-June.

It has been 130 intense minutes with two phases. In the first they were shown for the defenses to repel the North Korean missiles and in the second the counterattack was tested. Some 2,500 soldiers of 71 units and a varied sample of the most advanced war machinery: stealth fighters, combat helicopters, tanks, multiple rocket launcher systems… More than 2,000 people have attended a show that began with a constellation of drones forming the message “Peace through strength”. The government prescription Yoon Suk Yeol consists of dissuading its neighbor to the north with a overwhelming military superiority and replaces the appeasement of his predecessor, Moon Jae-in. His patient policy toward Pyongyang is now dismissed as “a false peace that depends on the will of the other party.” The act concluded with howitzer rounds that drew the V for victory in the air with their smoke.

arms race

The United States and South Korea have strengthened their military ties after the isolationist policy of Donald Trump and Moon’s determination to bring peace to the peninsula. Yoon and Biden announced after their summit last month in Washington a substantial strengthening of their alliance that includes sending nuclear submarines to the area and intensifying joint military exercises. The US president warned North Korea that a nuclear attack to any of its allies it would mean “the immediate end of the regime” that has ordered it. Kim Yo Jong, sister of the dictator Kim Jong-un, warned that that appointment had only accentuated the national purpose of persevering in the arms race.

Pyongyang views the periodic military maneuvers as invasion trials and the name of these will not contribute to your peace of mind. Neither the size nor the scarce 25 kilometers that separate the scene from its border. These are propitious days for the colorful rhetoric of the KCNA, the official North Korean news agency. Military maneuvers against a nuclear power “are absolute idiocy,” he clarified. “The frenetic activity of the instigators of the war, the United States and its puppets, makes it necessary to activate the answers corresponding”, he added.

It only remains to be seen what North Korea will choose to show its anger in the coming days. After the March maneuvers, he resorted to launching the most perfected version of his misil intercontinental and evidence of a underwater drone with nuclear charge to “generate a radioactive tsunami capable of destroying enemy ships and ports.” He also displayed a suspected warhead although experts doubt he is capable of miniaturizing a nuclear bomb to fit a missile.

Kim Jong-un posed two weeks ago with his first spy satellite. There is no date for its launch into orbit, but analysts expect it soon. The images of the contraption generated the usual debate: for some, it did not seem modern enough to improve current surveillance capabilities. For others, with three or four like the one shown, Pyongyang will be enough to scrutinize the entire peninsula.

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