TEPJF reverses INE rules for candidates to accredit ‘honest way of living’

by time news

Considering that it exceeds its powers, the Superior Chamber of the Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judiciary (TEPJF) revoked the guidelines of the INE (National Electoral Institute) to prevent officials and servers from social programs violate the electoral law, as well as the regulation of press conferences for Avoid electoral propaganda.

The guidelines also define concepts such as early campaign events y government propaganda and they resumed the “honest way of living” as a requirement to aspire to a candidacy, which could be lost for repeatedly violating the law.

The appeal was filed by the President. Andres Manuel Lopez Obradorthrough the Legal Adviceand by Morenaby pointing out that it violates the division of powers, constitutional supremacy and legal certainty.

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The project of TEPJF indicates that “The INE intends to regulate aspects that transcend what is ordered by this Superior Chamber and that go against jurisdictional criteria in which its lack of competence to regulate them has been determined”.

Therefore, the Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judiciary ordered the INE to issue new guidelines as soon as possible in which it is limited to complying with what is ordered by the Upper room. The issue arose during the analysis of the validity of the choice of the Tamaulipas governmentin which the alleged participation of servants of the nation as representatives of box.

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Although it could not be verified, in order to avoid similar situations, the TEPJF linked the INE to establish guidelines in order to prevent interference from public servants in the electoral journey.

In this regard, magistrate José Luis Vargas accused that the INE went beyond this resolutionby regulating concepts such as social programs, campaign events, social communicationamong others.

“In my view, this is already a repeated behavior of the National Electoral Institute and evidently what it indicates is that, both in other previous matters, said intention to go beyond what this Court mandates had already been indicated.”he stressed.

(With information from El Universal)

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