Teresa Madariaga: Business growth and social development, an indissoluble link

by time news

2023-11-16 18:07:14

Analyzing the current situation of the industry requires acting from a temporal axis that contemplates past, present and future.

When the founders of Ingeteam launched their project more than 50 years ago, they were clear about their vision: to work towards the electrification of a sustainable future (“Electrifying a sustainable future”), a challenge that we have maintained over the years and that Today it continues to be the transversal axis of our activity.

We are in a moment of full energy transition within a process in which we all have the purpose of playing a relevant role, but to get to where we are there have been many changes that our company, the sector and, of course, the company itself. society, have already been suffering to which companies, with greater or lesser success, have had to adapt.

In our specific case, a fundamental pillar of this evolution has been defined by the search for solid alliances that will be integrated into the company’s strategy and allow the consolidation of growth linked from beginning to end to the passion for a job well done.

The enthusiasm that marked the launch of TEAM in 1972, the heart of the original project, needed to be complemented with the support of financial entities that understood and shared our commitment to our own technology. And this development of our own technology is what, over the years, has made us a global benchmark in key sectors such as renewable energy, naval or sustainable mobility, among others.

But if we want to continue advancing on this path towards progress, both the business world, the financial sector and public institutions must work in a coordinated manner. Only in this way will we be able to successfully solve the challenge of serving an increasingly global, more aware society that knows what it wants and how it wants it, a society that demands to participate in the construction of its own future.

It is in this context where the values ​​of family businesses acquire their true prominence. We are talking about organizations deeply rooted in the culture from which they come and that, without losing the closeness and roots that have given them their own personality, keep their eyes wide open to detect opportunities in other markets that contribute to minimizing the risks derived from situations of uncertainty. The industrial sector needs more companies with a human face that promote environments in which the personal and professional development of teams is encouraged. This is the only way to obtain the commitment and involvement required by the new challenges, both national and international, that we will have to face in an increasingly complex world.

And, precisely because of this growing complexity, the role of accompaniment and support of the rest of the social agents is also fundamental. If Europe wants to continue playing a decisive role in the global geopolitical scenario, it must unreservedly get on the innovation and research train, enabling public-private financing avenues in research and development that allow organizations to face this game with the best cards.

Ingeteam’s commitment to society remains intact. We work every day with our sights set on that sustainable future that marked our beginnings and that determines our present, because we know that the link between business development and social enrichment is indissoluble.

#Teresa #Madariaga #Business #growth #social #development #indissoluble #link

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