Teresa Ribera opens another front with Ximo Puig: from cutting the Tagus-Segura to the macro solar plant in Castelln

by time news


The Consell will take the transfer cut to court while the Ecological Transition gives the green light to the installation of more than 200,000 solar panels despite negative reports from the Generalitat

Ximo Puig and Teresa Ribera, meeting at the Palau in May 2021.B. KINGEFE

A Ximo Puig the third vice president and minister of Ecological Transition, Teresa Ribera, is not letting him have a quiet end of legislature. Quite the contrary. The fronts between the Generalitat and the Government of Spain continue to appear as if regional elections were not on the horizon, which the polls suggest will be highly disputed. First it was consummation of the cut of the Tagus-Segura transfereven reversing an agreement agreed with Puig that allowed the Valencian and Murcian socialists to defend that they were looking after the irrigators of their autonomous regions in the face of the offensive of the People’s Party. The Valencian president, always in favor of dialogue and water forever, has no choice but to approve next Friday the legal recourse against the decree signed by Ribera.

With this setback between socialists, another conflict breaks out. The Ministry of Ecological Transition has given the green light to the first step for the installation of macroplanta solar in the interior of Castelln despite the negative reports issued by various departments of the Generalitat Valenciana. The Official State Gazette published this Tuesday the approval of the Declaration of Environmental Impact of the so-called project Magda, almost 5,000 square meters of solar panels between the municipalities of Cabanes, Benlloc and les Coves de Vinrom, in the interior of Castelln. More than 600 allegations were presented in this first phase and have not been addressed, so the project continues.

This installation, which a French and a Chinese company intends to carry out, involves placing 260,000 solar panels on 472 productive hectares (200 of them from organic crops) with high-voltage wiring of more than 52 kilometers and prior felling of 60,000 trees in production in an area that is already at risk of depopulation.

The six groups with representation in the Valencian Parliament have shown their reluctance to the megaproject and the Botnic parties approved a Non-Ley Proposal last December presented by Comproms to demand the suspension of the project. The Ministry, however, has not responded to the allegations and Puig once again had to be more lukewarm. Faced with this question, you cannot be neutral: either renewables or fossil fuels, but you have to do things right, he limited himself to saying. More forceful was the deputy and next candidate of Comproms, John Baldov. There are times when the policies of the PSOE are too similar to the policies of the PP and this approval is a scandal, he denounced.

Lack of sensitivity

The position of the Valencian Government had to defend it to the vice president Aitana More. It is a position that has even generated unanimity among the parliamentary groups of Las Cortes. This Consell will always have a position of respect for our territory and protection, both to the south and to the north. And issued a warning: This Council does not look at who governs in Madrid. The priority is the interests of the Valencians. We are a serious and rigorous government that claims what is ours and fights to avoid harmful actions in our territory, he warned.

In fact, Mas, although he called for dialogue with the Ministry, did not hesitate to put water, regional financing or State investments in Alicante as an example of the lack of sensitivity towards the Valencians of the Government. And when there is no dialogue, we go to court, he said.

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