Terminal received at the Elysée; Bayrou believes that “change is necessary”

by time news

2024-01-07 21:20:49
Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, telephones in the vestibule of honor at the end of the council of ministers at the Elysée Palace, December 12, 2023. JULIEN MUGUET FOR “LE MONDE”

Emmanuel Macron received his Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, on Sunday January 7, in the early evening, in order to discuss “important files”, according to the Elysée. If the presidency notably highlighted “bad weather in Pas-de-Calais and the arrival of the cold snap” to justify this Sunday tête-à-tête, the beginnings of the establishment of a new governmental architecture are taking shape. “Everything is possible… including nothing”summarizes a close friend of Emmanuel Macron, at a time when the president is phosphor on the recomposition of his team after having consulted widely this week, from the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire to Edouard Philippe, via François Bayrou.

The latter estimated Sunday on BFMTV that a ” change “ was ” necessary “. “We have reached the end of a sequence with difficult texts: there is inevitably a new period opening”, “I think it is legitimate that there is renewal”argued on BFMTV this close friend of Emmanuel Macron. Regarding a possible change of prime minister, the president of MoDem explained that “the so-called face of the political line”.

“The challenge today is to rebuild trust which has, unfortunately, disintegrated between the French and the State, between the French themselves and even, if I dare say, between the French and France “he continued, pleading for “consistency” with “the project that supported Emmanuel Macron when he was elected President of the Republic”, “renewal” et “refoundation”. “The republican idea is weakened, the idea of ​​the State is weakened: we need to believe in it again”.

Read the decryption: Article reserved for our subscribers The government suspended from the hypothesis of a reshuffle

If the fate of Elisabeth Borne in Matignon is not sealed, the name of the former Minister of Agriculture, Julien Denormandie, a historic “walker” who accompanied Emmanuel Macron’s presidential adventure from its earliest days , circulates insistently for his succession. “He is someone very estimable and in tune with this idea”judged the centrist leader. “I am attached to this unprecedented and totally unforeseen renewal which, in 2017, brought down the two clans which had held power through an absolute monopoly for fifty years”.

Terminal “not condemned”, according to a close friend of Macron

On the other hand, regarding Sébastien Lecornu, another contender to succeed Elisabeth Borne from the Republicans and currently at the head of the Ministry of the Armed Forces, François Bayrou seemed more reserved, emphasizing the need for a “deep adherence of the future head of government to this idea that, no, we are not at the end of the cycle” et “no, we are not in the continuation of the policy as it has been done for decades and basically, in which it would be enough to be well placed”.

However, Elisabeth Borne “is not condemned: everyone pronounces their funeral oration… but we are moving a little quickly”warns someone close to the head of state. “No one in the country is urgently demanding the departure of Ms. Borne, neither more nor less than usual”, observes another familiar with the “Palace” who pleads for the status quo. Those close to the Head of State promise a rapid response whatever happens, when Mr. Macron had gotten into the habit of letting the clocks tick during previous reshuffles.

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#Terminal #received #Elysée #Bayrou #believes #change

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