Territorial reorganization: Bourem contests – Info-Matin

by time news

The representatives of the populations of the circle of Bourem Foghas in Bamako organized, this Monday, March 06, 2023, a large protest march against the project carrying new territorial reorganization, voted on February 20, 2023 by the National Council of the Transition. In support of the local population, the “Platform Bourem Region” organized, the day before yesterday Tuesday, at the Olympe hotel, a general assembly to request the erection of Bourem in the region with Taboye and Téméra as circles.

This general assembly which recorded the presence of several nationals of the circle of Bourem was the occasion to reaffirm and support the position of the local actors on the territorial division.
The nationals of Bourem demanded the rereading of the law on the administrative reorganization of Mali adopted in February 2023 by the CNT; the erection of Bourem into a region and of all its communes into circles.
We learn that a technical meeting took place on March 3, 2023, at the headquarters of IR GANDA on this issue. The Bourem Region Platform is committed to carrying out consultations with all the players and to carrying out lobbying actions at the highest level.
“The Bourem Region Platform” remains convinced that this fight will be won over time. Bourem should no longer be in the reaction. However, the Platform asks the local authorities to bring together the village councils, the communal councils and the circle councils to rule and deliberate on this ongoing process, in this case the erection of Bourem in the region and all of its communities in circles.
These deliberations should also, and in a concrete way, decide on the technical note proposed by the Bourem Region Platform”, declares the Platform.
The Bourem Region Platform has also invited grassroots communities, village councils and municipal and circle councils to work deeply on the reorganization of villages by bringing them together to create many more municipalities.
Similarly, the Bourem Region Platform has requested the support of the current authorities who lead the local councils and those who represent the communities at the national level by providing deliberation documents for the local level, and by helping to open the doors as far as the national level is concerned.
“We no longer need artificial support, but only disinterested support, for the sole cause of Bourem and the general interest of the communities. History will remember the noble deeds of everyone. The Bourem Region Platform is committed to remaining constant, determined and faithful to the deep aspirations of grassroots communities until the ultimate goal is achieved,” the statement reads.
In addition, the Platform proposes the establishment of a lobbying commission which will be open to all, starting with former elected officials and executives. The role of this commission will be to meet and exchange with the authorities to ask for the re-reading of the law and the erection of Bourem in the region and its communes in circles.
As for the Technical Committee, it was responsible for coordinating all the steps, including facilitating the organization of the councils at the local level.
The Platform recommended advocacy and lobbying actions and the development of a reorganization proposal.
In the event that the bill on territorial reorganization is promulgated by the President of the transition, the Bourem region platform provides for an administrative appeal to win the case.


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