Terrorist infrastructure: Iran intends to kidnap Moshe Boogie Ya’alon

by time news

Today (Thursday) it was announced that in recent months the GSS has exposed the activities of Iranian intelligence officials against Israeli academics, and former senior members of the defense establishment. This is according to an article in “Israel Today”. Ya’alon’s entourage refused to comment on what was said.

The sources addressed the same Israelis while posing as academics, journalists, businessmen and philanthropists. The Iranians made an authentic identity of foreign elements who did not even know they were using their identities. References were made while presenting a relevant “cover story”, in order to gather information about the Israelis and try to attract them to a foreign country in order to kidnap or harm them. It is a well-known method of operation of the Iranian intelligence and security bodies, headed by the Intelligence Organization of the Revolutionary Guards, Quds Force and the Ministry of Intelligence.

This is how the Iranians acted:

The Iranian authorities contacted Israeli citizens via e-mail, whose address is very similar to the authentic and well-known address of the person ordering abroad, whose identity was “stolen” for the sake of contact. The Iranian activity was carried out using authentic information – a recognized research institute, a recognized logo and authentic addresses, which can be verified by an Internet test.

After an initial contact was made with the same Israeli – he was asked to switch to a conversation on WhatsApp, in front of a new phone number he did not know. Meanwhile, Israeli citizens who received these suspicious inquiries refrained from responding to them and even alerted security officials.

“Citizens’ vigilance contributed to thwarting and preventing serious incidents”

A senior GSS source said that “as part of the affair, many profiles were used by Iranian intelligence agencies, and a great deal of information was gathered about the factors behind their operation. Among other things, the vigilance of the citizens contributed to the thwarting and prevented serious incidents. “

The General Security Service said: “We will continue to thwart the activities of Iranian intelligence while maintaining ongoing monitoring and monitoring of its activities in the network space, and using advanced tools and capabilities.”

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