“Terrorists carry out dozens of shooting attacks – every resident of Samaria becomes a mobile target” | Watch a MK from the coalition in an alarming speech

by time news

Terrorism on the roads of Judea and Samaria: MK Limor Son Har-Malech of Otzma Yehudit addressed today (Tuesday) in a speech she delivered in the Knesset plenum, the alarming security situation on the roads of Samaria that has worsened in recent weeks, and called on the members of the Knesset to put an end to the situation in which Jewish citizens are attacked as a matter of routine.

“This week I want to talk about an absurd and irreconcilable reality that is happening in the Samaria sector in recent times,” Son Har-Malech opened her speech. “In recent months, Arab terrorists have carried out dozens of shooting, stone and Molotov cocktails attacks on the area’s roads. Every resident who makes his way to work or shopping becomes a mobile target: people, women and children – nothing matters to the terrorists.”

“Only during the past week, over 30 terrorist attacks took place on the roads along the mountain in Samaria, which included shooting at IDF forces and throwing blocks from a passing vehicle straight into the windshield of an Israeli bus passing by on the road. These terrorist incidents have not received in-depth treatment by the security establishment and the reference of the IDF spokesperson, and unfortunately they continue until this very moment.”

Yonatan Sindel/Flash90

According to her, “On the other hand, not far from there – in the Yitzhar settlement, four residents were arrested this week after they complained to the security forces about their conduct against residents of the settlement. The arrests received public relations notices from the IDF spokesperson, extensive publications and a professional investigation by the investigators of the Department of Nationalist Crime at the Israel Defense Forces.” R. Shi. This order of priorities is flawed, shameful and above all life-threatening. It is not possible that innocent Jewish citizens will continue to experience murder attempts as a matter of routine, and this will pass under the radar.”

“As elected officials in the right-wing government, we must take care of the safety and security of the people of the settlement and put an end to this thing,” Sun Har-Malech concluded her speech.

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