Terzani Award, here are the five finalists – time.news

by time news

The jury chaired by the journalist’s wife, Angela, indicates, Fabio Deotto, Erika Fatland, the Uyghur Gulbahar Haitiwaji, Colum McCann and Ece Temelkuran. Award ceremony on Saturday 14 May during the near / far festival in Udine

Fabio Deotto for The other world. Life on a changing planet (Bompiani), the Norwegian Erika Fatland per
travel reportage Life at the top. A season in the Himalayas (Marsilio), the Uyghur exile Gulbahar Haitiwaji with the French Rozenn Morgat for the memoir Survivor of a Chinese gulag. The first testimony of a Uyghur woman (add editor), Irish naturalized American Colum McCann for the novel Apeirogon (Feltrinelli) and the Turkish, now an exile in Croatia, Ece Temelkuran for the essay Trust and dignity. Ten urgent choices for a better present (Bollati Boringhieri) are the five finalists of the 18th edition of the Tiziano Terzani International Literary Prize.

The recognition, established and promoted by the cultural association near / far of Udine together with the Terzani family, aims to preserve and renew the intellectual heritage of the Florentine journalist and writer (1938-2004). This was announced by the jury, forced again this year by the pandemic to meet online and not, as always, in the Florentine home of the Terzani family. Once again – comments Angela Terzani, president of the jury – we tried to nominate for the Prize works that help shed light on the human, historical or political background of the most topical issues in the world. This, to remain faithful to the spirit of Titian, to whose memory the dedicated award, who has always wanted to try to understand, and make people understand, what was happening beyond our horizons. The jurors – Enza Campino, Toni Capuozzo, Marco Del Corona, Andrea Filippi, Milena Gabanelli, Nicola Gasbarro, Ettore Mo, Carla Nicolini, Marco Pacini, Paolo Pecile, Remo Politeo, Marino Sinibaldi – have now reserved a supplement for reflection before pass to the final vote. The winner will be announced at the end of April and Saturday 14 May (9 pm, Teatro Nuovo Giovanni da Udine) will be the expected protagonist of the evening-event for the delivery of the Prize, the central appointment of the 18th edition of the Near / Far Festival, scheduled for Udine from 12 to 15 May.

February 24, 2022 (change February 24, 2022 | 11:07 am)

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