Tesla is interested in Mexico, confirms Ebrard, but in which part will it invest?

by time news

Marcelo Ebrard, Secretary of Foreign Relations, confirmed this Wednesday that Teslaof the tycoon Elon Muskis interested in investing in Mexico, and could settle in Monterrey or next to the new Felipe Angeles International Airport (AIFA).

“Yes, it does have (interest). We have been working with them for a year and a half, but I would not want to make any announcement because it is up to them, but we have been working for a year and a half”admitted in the framework of the presentation of the Diagnosis and Recommendations for the Transition of the Automotive Industry in Mexico.

Ebrard claimed that Tesla found during the COVID-19 pandemic that “Mexico is a trustworthy country” and that it respects intellectual property, for which reason he recalled that there are 127 plants in Mexican territory that produce substantive parts for the company.

“I mean, Tesla is already in Mexico. Now, probably, another investment will come, but hey, we are going to wait for them to say it “he insisted.

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However, the official He did not specify if the investment will be in Nuevo León, a state bordering Texas, or near AIFAthe flagship of the president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador inaugurated in 2022 to supply Mexico City.

“No, I can’t say that, Tesla has to say it”he remarked.

According to national media, One of the main characteristics that Musk sees in Mexico to build a Tesla production factory is the lithium reserves in the country.

According to information from Mineral Commodity Summaries from the United States Geological Survey, Mexico is in the global top 10 in terms of lithium natural capitalwith 1.7 million tons of potential reserves.

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During his conversation with the media, Ebrard recalled the importance of the automotive industry for the country’s economy, which represents more than 3 percent of the Gross Domestic Productmore than any other industrial sector.

We are talking (of) more than a million people who work in the automotive industry”he remarked.

With information from EFE

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