Tesla is preparing for direct entry to supply vehicles to fleets in Israel

by time news

Tesla is preparing for a direct entry into the field of vehicle supply and vehicle management for large fleets in Israel. This week, the company posted on its general website a dedicated page in Hebrew, which offers companies management services for electric vehicle fleets similar to those offered by the company for fleets in the United States and a number of other countries.

The services include, among other things, a mobile service and remote diagnostics for vehicles, a dedicated software platform for managing vehicle fleets based on the connectivity capabilities built into every company vehicle and more. Those interested receive a referral to a Tesla business consultant on the subject.

It should be noted that so far Tesla has operated in Israel with the vehicle fleets through leasing companies, mainly with Eldan, which operates Tesla’s leasing operations with Intel. It is still unclear whether this is a “route bypassing leasing companies” or a competitive route, which will be offered by the company at the same time.

Tesla website in Hebrew / Photo: Screenshot from the Tesla website

The industry estimates that there is a massive demand for tens of thousands of Tesla vehicles in the fleet market in Israel, but the company’s current limit has so far been limited supply volumes. It should be noted that Tesla refuses to grant special discounts on vehicles, which are sold to leasing companies.

At the same time, the company has in recent days made a number of changes to the contracts signed by the vehicle customers. Among other things, the company is trying to combat the recent widespread phenomenon of customers trying to sell at a significant profit the “right of delivery” to Tesla vehicles, which they ordered many months ago, taking advantage of the long waiting times.

According to the change, the company intends to cancel orders for vehicles of customers, who published a sale ad for the vehicle even before they received it and offer it to a third party at a standard of “zero kilometer at the port”. The company attached to its sales contract a clause stating that “We will unilaterally cancel any order that to the best of our knowledge was made in order to resell the vehicle or was made in bad faith on the way after …. In this case we also reserve the right to refuse any future order On your behalf to other vehicles, unless otherwise prohibited by law. “

It should be noted that the phenomenon of “speculation” in electric vehicles is now prevalent in many electric models due to the shortage and in the online bulletin boards you can find dozens of ads offering new electric vehicles or even those that have not yet been delivered at a profit of thousands to tens of thousands of shekels.

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