Tesla XXL: Does the electric truck bring a big revolution?

by time news

Finally, the semi-trailer trucks of the electric vehicle giant. The first and celebratory delivery was held about four hours ago
months, and now the Yelin Lapidot investment house has issued a special review that also weighs impressions
First of the vehicles already on the road. I gave you the main points. The full review
will be added at the end.

Amir Elshich, Yelin Lapidot (photo: yulia photoart)

Amir Elshich, Yelin Lapidot (photo: yulia photoart)

1. Let’s be superficial for a moment and start with the exterior: Tesla’s semi trucks for sure
going to stand out on the road. Much more than their private sisters, who are indeed gifted with design
Unique but nevertheless – relatively integrated into the landscape. The company’s semi trucks have
A presence that simply cannot be ignored. Completely far from the massive, heavy design
And the pipe load of the diesel trucks. The design is futuristic, clean, aerodynamic and conveys something
completely different. How did the person who said it say it – all eyes are on me.

2. The first customers waited years for her, and came especially solemnly to receive her. representatives
of PepsiCo and its subsidiary Frito-Lay, who ordered 100 semi trucks right after
Revealing them in 2017, they arrived in Nevada last December to receive the keys. Pepsi
previously announced that it intends to use at least 15 such trucks to turn the
Frito-Lay site in California for a zero emissions site. Other prominent clients
Awaiting delivery of the trucks include Walmart, Anheuser-Busch, and UPS.

3. The environmental message of the semi is significant and very important. This is a tool
For cargo transportation without emissions, which beats traditional oil vehicles in terms of performance, costs
Operation and savings – beyond the ecological interest in it. And the ecological issue cannot be underestimated:
Semi trucks make up only about 1% of all vehicles in the US"B, but responsible for 20%
Of all the pollution from transport. Their contamination is so significant that some countries already
are introducing regulations that will prohibit the entry of diesel trucks into their territories. In this respect – the semi
Tesla’s is a really dramatic matter.

4. Its price is high, but the cost of use aims to compensate for that. Although not published
Official price for the trucks, but in the past there was talk that they would be priced at about 150 thousand dollars per model
whose driving range without charging is 300 miles and about 180 thousand dollars for a model that travels
500 miles. This price is about 20% higher than the price of diesel trucks but the costs of use
Free-mail is supposed to give compensation and return on investment.

5. And after all this – why until now have we only seen the first delivery of the trucks? the production
Tesla’s is still limited right now, and currently only makes the expensive 500-mile model
More. With the future rate increase (which is also affected by the development and taxation grants it received

and you will get it), add the cheaper model as well. In any case, the stated intention of the company
It is to reach the production of 50 thousand units in 2024.

 6. And besides all these, there is also competition: although Tesla has positioned itself as a pioneer and leader
in the field, but many manufacturers of heavy vehicles are actively working on electric trucks
their own, including Daimler, Volvo, Peterblit and more.

What does the future hold in the field, when will we see the electric trucks take a share
significant on the road and will Tesla continue to lead in the electric gospel on the roads?
We here will continue to follow and report on what is happening, and in the meantime, it is worth reading the review
Amir Elshich’s full name on the Yalin Lapidot Investment House website.

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