Testimony from the studio With an open face: A student testifies against the rabbi who harassed her

by time news

Evidence from the studio: As of yesterday, 11 series of documentary articles are broadcast in this edition, bringing the story of three studio girls who claim to have been sexually assaulted by rabbis at the educational institution. Last night (Sunday), testimony was presented with a blurred face, and tonight (Monday), the Lebanese crypto was bravely exposed and told its story with an open face.

Watch the full testimony of the Lebanese crypto:

(Courtesy: Tonight’s News, here 11. Special article series)

“Come on, you must come”

In the article, Tzafnat says that she studied at the Zvia studio in Ma’ale Adumim, where she allegedly underwent a sexual assault on the part of the studio’s head, Rabbi Eli Tobol. “I knew I needed him not to catch me. One day he was just suddenly there, and he said come on, you have to come.” She says she could not refuse and despite her discomfort he closed the door, approached her and breathed on her face. From here, Lebanon claims, it has a blackout.

After the incident, she did not come to the ulpan for two weeks, went to volunteer in Netzarim’s greenhouses and did not attend the rabbi’s classes. “One of the most humiliating memories, before Yom Kippur, is that I came to apologize to him. We did not know the language and did not know how to speak it. He acted as if it were obvious.”

Rabbi: “There have never been things”

It is worth noting that today Rabbi Tobol no longer holds office in the ulpana. Ma’ale Adumim Studio responded: “Our hearts go out to our graduate, who describes words that were said in an abusive manner. The statements as they were said more than 20 years ago.” Rabbi Eli Tobol responded: “For decades I have taught students and educated them to values ​​and virtues. I deny the claims made in the article, things never were.”

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