Testolin, “on the Casino, hypothesis of third-party management” – News

by time news

“On the Casino, the choice of direction has essentially been expressed also in the competent council committees, where it is conceivable that an evaluation of a non-continuous management is to be considered”. This was stated by the President of the Valle d’Aosta Region, Renzo Testolin, on the sidelines of the council press conference to illustrate the main measures adopted.

The hypothesis Testolin referred to is the assignment of the management of the Saint-Vincent casino to a third party, to be selected through a tender. The study commissioned to Ernst & Young by Finaosta for the future of the Casinò de la Vallée spa and delivered last July to the directors identifies only two governance options that are concretely achievable: continuity or, indeed, the assignment of management to a third party, to be selected through a tender.

Regarding the “ski lifts”, there are some hypotheses that I think it is premature to analyse, but which must aim to understand what is the best administrative path within which the administration always plays a fundamental decision-making role, because this is what worries us.

Then it is clear that the investments that the sector requires are such important investments that it is necessary to make financial and administrative considerations that can be useful to the cause”.

“The vision – added the Transport Councillor, Luigi Bertschy – is not that of tomorrow, but must look to the next ten years, with the ability to hold together a system that is changing, a skiing model that must also think about other aspects, such as hospitality, in a competitiveness that sees the large ski areas maintaining a high target”. But we must also “take into account” that “we have small ski areas, a community that must be able to use these facilities”.


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