Tetsuya Yamagami, who is Shinzo Abe’s bomber and what we know about the weapon used – time.news

by time news
from Guido Olimpio

The first images arriving from Japan show that the 41-year-old, a former military man, had a sort of black “shoulder strap”: it would be two rods held together and wrapped in black insulating tape.

A former military man, a rudimentary weapon, a high-level target. The attack on the former Japanese premier Shinzo Abe, who died today at the age of 67, closed in this triangle. Provisional. Waiting for the investigators to reconstruct the plot of a traumatic event with a global impact. The person responsible for the attack is Tetsuya Yamagami, 41 years old, he served in the Navy infantry from 2002 to 2005, residing in the same town – Nara – where the attack took place. Once arrested, he claimed to have acted not for an ideological motive, but rather for personal aversion towards the prestigious figure. That is, resentment and anger. Claims that will obviously be verified and filtered.

If the version given by Yagamani were true we could find ourselves in front of an individual at war with society and the world, the citizen-warrior, an increasingly frequent profile in many societies. And that is organizing to launch its challenge with the means available, including rustic ones. However, the investigators would have found explosives in Yamagani’s home, further signal of an element capable of handling dangerous substances. The bomber used used a rudimentary weapon. Pictures show that the 41-year-old had some sort of Black “shoulder strap”: it would be two rods held together and wrapped in black insulating tape, then a handle. A sort of “shotgun”, with the attacker trying to camouflage it in some way. On the web you can find detailed information on how to transform simple pipes and material available from a hardware store into a kind of rifle. We will understand better when we have more details, however it is conceivable that the man has carefully studied the plan: he has thought about the modus operandi, has developed the “tool” may have followed the target on other occasions. So he came up with the trick to get as close to the politician as possible and surprise the security service. And unfortunately he succeeded in his intent to demonstrate a low-cost but high-impact gesture of terror.

– Japan Shinzo Abe attack, the hypotheses: the long shadow of secret societies and political-religious extremism.

There is a long tradition of do-it-yourself weapons employed by guerrillas, but also by militants and street gangs. Sometimes simple tubes with spring and firing pin, in other situations something more sophisticated. In the 2019 attack on the synagogue in Halle, Germany, a neo-Nazi used a self-made submachine gun and shotgun. Burmese insurgents have developed several, same thing for criminal groups operating in Brazilian favelas. In the Palestinian territories in dozens of episodes appeared «Carlo», an artisanal machine gun named after the Swedish Karl Gustav. Famous then the story of Phil Luty, a British right-wing extremist who specialized in the design of these rudimentary guns and became a source of inspiration for elements they later hit. Some, however rudimentary, have done damage. The quality of the pieces obviously changes according to the geographical areas. The productions in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border areas are famous, but the initiatives of individuals should not be underestimated and there is a growing fear for the use of 3D printers.

In Japan it is extremely difficult to obtain a firearm. Il Guardian has reconstructed the necessary procedure, in all, 13 steps are required: first, potential firearm owners must join a hunting or target shooting club, then pass a written exam and undergo a mental assessment and a criminal background check. After that they have to follow a day of lessons on how to use and store a firearm safely. Then the potential owner is subjected to the questions of the police, which checks working conditions, economic conditions and any previous family members. After these steps, before buying the gun they must have a safe safe, which is inspected by the police. In 2013, the year with the highest number of crimes related to the use of firearms: 40 in all.

July 8, 2022 (change July 8, 2022 | 12:42)

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