Têtu magazine publishes a petition calling for the departure of “homophobic” ministers

by time news

In the gay magazine Têtu, a petition signed in particular by fifty left-wing deputies calls for the “departure” of three ministers, whom they accuse of having a “Manif past for all” and of being “notorious LGBTQIAphobes”.

“The president, elected to block the homophobic far right, adds to his government two faces of the Manif pour tous: Caroline Cayeux, Minister Delegate for Territorial Cohesion and Christophe Béchu, Minister of Ecology and Transition. energy”, can we read in this text published on Monday. Gérald Darmanin, Minister of the Interior, took part in the Manif pour tous in 2012.

An LFI deputy at the origin of the petition

On the initiative of LFI deputy Andy Kerbrat, the platform was notably signed by the rebellious parliamentarians Ugo Bernalicis, Mathilde Panot, Danièle Obono and Adrien Quatennnens. She recalls remarks made by these ministers at the time of the Manif pour tous, anti-gay marriage movement.

The forum also pinpoints Christophe Béchu, current Minister for Ecological Transition, who for his part “signed at Valeurs Actuelles (…) a forum” against gay marriage, which “speaks of a blurring of the original benchmarks”.

The text also explains that he “made the decision to withdraw” in 2016 in his city of Angers, “posters of an HIV prevention campaign on the grounds that they presented couples of men”.

A first petition in 2017

The city councilor then explained that he wanted to “protect the youngest children from visuals and messages” whose “content and form” could be considered “provocative”.

Gérald Darmanin, Minister of the Interior, who participated in the Manif pour tous in 2012, then declared that as mayor of Tourcoing, he “would not personally celebrate

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