Thailand is infected with the B virus, 2.2 million people, the Ministry of Public Health and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs aims to eliminate hepatitis. Start! screening – vaccination

by time news
Thailand is infected with the B virus, 2.2 million people, the Ministry of Public Health and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs aims to eliminate hepatitis. Start! screening – vaccination

Today (20 April 2022) at the Ministry of Public Health (PTI) Mr. Anutin Charnvirakul Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Health presided over the signing ceremony of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on cooperation in eliminating hepatitis between Dr. Kiattipoom Wongrachit, MD. Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Public Health and Mr. Chaiwat Chuenkosoom Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Interior (SUT)

Mr. Anutin said that hepatitis is a threat to public health. high chance of death this cooperation UT will assist in the search, screening of high-risk groups and sending them to the treatment system in hospitals for further care.

side Dr. Opas Karnkawinpong, MD. Director-General of the Department of Disease Control said that hepatitis B virus Hepatitis C It is a threat that leads to chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver failure and liver cancer. At present, there are approximately 2.2 million people infected with hepatitis B in Thailand, and hepatitis C, approximately 3-8 hundred thousand people. Therefore, we cooperate with local administrative organizations (local administrations) to screen risk groups for treatment in a timely manner.

“In the past, there have been pilot projects in 44 areas, 20 provinces with good results. This signing will expand the operation throughout the country. It aims to reduce hepatitis B morbidity to less than 95 percent, from hepatitis C less than 80 percent, and to reduce disease related to both viruses by less than 65 percent,” said Opas.

Mr. Chaiwat said that UT now is accelerating action to solve the poverty of Thai people. which from the meeting found that people with hepatitis virus will cause cirrhosis and develop into liver cancer which having such health problems especially with those who are the pillars of the family can’t make a living There will be poverty problems. Therefore, the signing of this cooperation This is a good opportunity to be a part of solving the poverty of the people.

Cheewanun Lertpiriyasuwat, MD. Director of the AIDS Division and STDs said it was important to reduce hepatitis B cases. and hepatitis C is to be screened and treated quickly By screening the risk group is a group of people born before 1992 because people born after 1992 will receive hepatitis B vaccine. In the children’s benefits package, therefore, in the group born before the year 1992, it should be tested for immunity against infection. and can be vaccinated against the disease. as husband and wife If any one has the infection, it will be transmitted to each other. and can also be transmitted to children But now there is a vaccine for children.

“There are currently 2.2 million people with hepatitis B, who do not have a cure. But there are medicines to help prevent liver damage. which is the best way must be filtered quickly and if any group can be vaccinated Vaccination must be urgently needed,” said Dr. Cheewanan.

Dr. Cheewawanan said that the number of hepatitis C virus is about 3-7 hundred thousand people, the number is not clear. This group has a drug that can be cured for 12 weeks, which must be screened quickly as well. The symptoms of hepatitis B and C are the same: acute symptoms, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and flatulence. will have jaundice, yellow eyes, dropsy, enlarged abdomen

“The average group of hepatitis B cases in Thailand is found 4-5 percent, of which 90 percent are cured, but 10% are chronic and in the long term of 20-30 years, 10% may progress to cirrhosis. or liver cancer On the other hand, 0.9% of hepatitis C cases in Thailand were found, of which 90% of hepatitis C were not cured and 10% were cured. However, in some areas, HCV is more common. like the northeastern region, found a lot and also found in the ancient tattoo yantra group, midwives, because it was transmitted through blood. intercourse Especially men who love men, so emphasize those who have risky behaviors. or people born before 1992 ask for an immunity test Which can be checked in any hospital (hospital) but has to pay for itself,” said Dr. Cheewanan.

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