thailand shooting, shooting in Thailand: 31 people including children died! – At least 31 people including children have been killed in a shooting in Thailand

by time news
At least 31 people have been killed in a shooting at a children’s day care center in Thailand’s northeastern province.

Reuters news agency reported that the victims included children and adults, a police spokesman said. The incident has shocked the world.

Reports have surfaced that the shooter is a former police officer. Efforts have been made to arrest the person. The police have registered a case and are conducting intensive investigations.
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The Prime Minister of Thailand has expressed his condolence over the incident and has ordered all investigating agencies to investigate the matter immediately.

Thailand has a high proportion of gun owners compared to other countries in the region. But official statistics suggest that illegal weapons are not in large numbers.
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Although such shootings are rare in Thailand, in 2020, an army officer shot and killed 29 people over a property dispute. 57 people were injured.

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