Thailand’s HXP-GPOVac: Advanced COVID-19 Vaccine in Phase 3 Trials

by time news

2023-08-10 11:58:00
Title: Thai Researchers Develop Advanced COVID-19 Vaccine “HXP-GPOVac”

The National Vaccine Institute, in collaboration with the National Research Office (NRCT), is leading the development of Thailand’s most advanced COVID-19 vaccine, the HXP-GPOVac. As the third phase of human clinical trials begins, Thai researchers are hopeful that this domestically produced vaccine will prove effective in combating the ongoing pandemic.

Research and Development Efforts:
Dr. Nakorn Premsri, Director of the National Vaccine Institute, expressed the country’s commitment to self-sufficiency in vaccine production. Recognizing the need to be prepared for emergencies, Thailand has been discussing vaccine development since 2002. Dr. Nakorn emphasized the importance of building research and development potential to stay ahead of new epidemics.

Dr. Nakorn further explained that Thailand has made significant progress in vaccine development over the past three years, establishing a robust infrastructure to ensure the stability and acceptance of domestically produced vaccines. Through international collaborations and the use of innovative technologies, the Thai research team has created an inactivated viral vaccine known as HXP-GPOVac.

Understanding the HXP-GPOVac Vaccine:
Dr. Pornthip Wiratwong, Director of the Office of Strategic Management at the Government Pharmaceutical Organization, shed light on the HXP-GPOVac vaccine. It is an inactivated viral vaccine, modified using HexaPro technology to stabilize the coronavirus spike protein. The spike protein is key in stimulating the body’s immune response against COVID-19.

Collaboration and Development Process:
The NDV vaccine technology, initially developed by Icahn Mount Sinai, and HexaPro technology, developed by UT Austin, were utilized in the creation of HXP-GPOVac. The FDA has conducted studies on the vaccine, and it has been produced at the Government Pharmaceutical Organization’s biomaterials factory.

Current Trial Progress and Future Plans:
The phase 3 human research study for HXP-GPOVac began at the end of 2022, with over 4,000 volunteers participating. The results of this study will be submitted to the Food and Drug Administration for registration and further production. Phase 1 and 2 trials have shown promising results, and it is hoped that phase 3 will confirm the vaccine’s effectiveness in stimulating immunity against COVID-19.

Plans for Distribution and Target Population:
The Government Pharmaceutical Organization aims to register and produce the HXP-GPOVac vaccine at an industrial level, with a production capacity of 1-2 million doses per year. Initially, the vaccine will be available for individuals aged 18 and above, with plans to expand its usage to other age groups through continued clinical research. High-risk groups, such as the elderly and infants, will be prioritized for regular vaccinations.

Thailand’s HXP-GPOVac vaccine represents a significant achievement in the country’s efforts to become self-sufficient in vaccine production. The ongoing clinical trials and promising results indicate the vaccine’s potential to combat COVID-19 effectively. If successful, HXP-GPOVac could play a vital role in protecting the Thai population and reducing the severity of the disease.]
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