Thanksgiving 2022: Donations from KiTa’s arrived in Weseler Tafel

by time news

On Sunday, October 2nd, 2022, the Catholic parish of Sankt Nikolaus Wesel and the Evangelical parish of Wesel led by Pastor Dr. Kock and Pastor Stefan Sühling celebrated an ecumenical service for thanksgiving in the Feldmarker Friedenskirche. This was co-designed by the Evangelical KiTa Friedenskirche and the Catholic KiTa’s Sankt Nikolaus Blumenkamp and Sankt Nikolaus Feldmark.
In the weeks before the Thanksgiving service, donations in kind and food for the Weseler Tafel were called for in all three institutions. Even in these special times, when people are busy with the energy crisis and the war in Ukraine, the daycare centers wanted to do something good for other people and share it with this gesture.
The families were happy to support this campaign and so many donations were collected. These were set up at the altar before the service and integrated thematically.
Ms. Konder (head of the Peace Church KiTa) then arranged an appointment with the Weseler Tafel where some of the KiTa children were allowed to deliver the donations.

Today, Thursday, the time had come: The long-awaited day dawned and we ran with the children to bring the donations to the Weseler Tafel.
The children were accompanied by the facility managers Ms Konder (KiTa Friedenskirche), Ms Barra (KiTa Sankt Nikolaus Blumenkamp) and Ms Rochel (KiTa Sankt Nikolaus Feldmark), as well as other employees from the KiTa’s.
After the donations had been handed over, the children were allowed to look around the premises of the Tafel and look over the shoulders of the busy hands that work for the Weseler Tafel at their work.
The helpers thanked the children very warmly and we were able to return to the KiTa’s with a good feeling and empty handcarts.
Sarah Rochel – Head of KiTa Feldmark and Janine Barra – Head of KiTa Blumenkamp

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