“That’s a joke!” – 2024-03-10 15:29:33

by times news cr

2024-03-10 15:29:33

The economy is weakening, the government wants to take countermeasures. But little has happened so far, criticizes employer president Dulger. He warns: Things have to happen quickly now.

The federal government wants to initiate the “economic turnaround,” but Employers President Rainer Dulger is not doing so quickly enough. Instead of working on solutions, there is a lot of talking and time wasted.

In an interview with t-online, Dulger explains why he understands workers’ protests, why “made in Germany” continues to be worthwhile and what politicians need to address in order to remedy the shortage of skilled workers.

t-online: Mr. Dulger, Germany’s economic situation is disastrous, which is why the traffic light government wants to ensure an “economic turnaround”. How much hope do you have in this announcement?

Rainer Dulger: Do you want an honest answer?

My hopes aren’t too high at the moment. The traffic light government is not moving. There is a lot of talk but little action. If things continue like this, our country will hit the wall in terms of economic policy.

But the diagnosis that the economy urgently needs stimulus is a good one, right?

That’s correct. I am pleased that the entire federal government has now recognized that Germany’s economy is doing dramatically badly. However, this conclusion could have been reached much earlier. Now time is of the essence, we must act quickly: Germany must become simpler again, we must become more digital, more agile and less bureaucratic. Taxes have to come down – for electricity, but also for companies overall and for income, so that employees also have more net of the gross in their pockets.

That’s quite a lot of wishes. Isn’t it understandable that the government needs a little time to agree on the most important steps?

If there is just a struggle without a good solution coming out, that is bad for our country. My impression is: We are wasting valuable time. By the way, many other people seem to see it that way too, which is why the mood in the country is so bad.

I strongly condemn actions against individual politicians, threats or even violence

Rainer Dulger

You mean the many people who protest against the traffic lights, like the farmers?

For example, yes. I can understand the discontent of many citizens. But I want to make one thing clear at this point: protest is legitimate in our liberal democracy. But he must never become violent. I strongly condemn actions against individual politicians, threats or even violence.

Back to economic policy. You recently met the Chancellor and previously sent him your ten most important points to stimulate the economy. What did he say to you about that?

We have not received any satisfactory answers so far.

For example, reference was made, among other things, to the so-called Growth Opportunities Act, which is intended to ensure more economic growth. I found that a bit strange. Because it is precisely this law that shows what is going wrong in economic policy: Germany’s companies and their employees generate around 1,000 billion euros annually. And this mini-law is now intended to provide relief of around 3 billion euros. So 0.3 percent of this total. That’s a joke!

What specifically needs to change for the economy to get off to a flying start again?

If you allow me, I would like to illustrate this with a story.

Imagine a person who wants to immigrate to Germany from India to work here. She is looking at a country with a weakened infrastructure, in which she has to pay almost the highest taxes and duties in the entire EU, in which electricity is expensive, living space is scarce and in which there are not enough daycare places. And then there is the language, which is comparatively difficult. If this woman gets an offer from Spain, England or the Czech Republic, where at least taxes are lower and electricity is cheaper and she gets a daycare place for her two children – where do you think this woman will go?

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