that’s when – Libero Quotidiano

by time news

2023-09-20 21:47:00

Alessandro Gonzato 20 September 2023

If, as Ennio Flaiano said, “the worst that can happen to a genius is to be misunderstood” then Elly Schlein must live with frustrations. His piano on migration, reception and pensions it’s brilliant but no one has come up with it. And they’re not the 7 points presented on Monday to the Nazarene (reform of the Dublin Regulation, Mare Nostrum mission, etc.), but the 7 that he had already signed in the form of a bill on 13 October 2022, the first session of the new parliament – and that Libero has fished out and offers to readers. In addition to the Dem secretary, the list of proposers includes Laura Boldrini, Debora Serracchiani, Giovanni Cuperlo, Marco Furfaro, Giuseppe Provenzano. The first signatory was the head of +Europa, Riccardo Magi. The summary of the proposed law is that the left wants to grant a residence permit and pension to all migrants who land in Italy. Are we exaggerating? Judge for yourself. The basis of the bill is the “abolition of the crime of illegal immigration”, and there is nothing to explain here. Then, we were saying, there is the extraordinary idea of ​​giving pensions to migrants, and we get there. Let’s proceed in order.

AMANATORY – Point number 2 of the Dem pamphlet is in article 22-quater: «With the residence permit for proven integration», com-pro-va-ta integration – «the regularization of irregular migrants including asylum seekers who have been rejected the request for international protection (an amnesty is nothing in comparison, ed.) who demonstrate that they are rooted and integrated into the civil, social and legal fabric of our country, a condition which can be deduced from elements such as immediate availability for work, the degree of knowledge of the Italian language, attendance of professional training courses, family ties or other factual circumstances (others? And which ones? Dunno, ed.) or behaviors suitable to demonstrate a stable link with the territory in which they live”.

Of course, the residence permit “for proven integration” – lasting 2 years, renewable – would only be given “in the absence of criminal proceedings for serious crimes”, and thank you. But which are the serious ones? And the mild ones? Which category does drug dealing fall into? Go on.

Does the immigrant who arrived illegally still not have a job? It doesn’t matter (point 3), because yes, “the temporary residence permit is not renewed” if the non-EU citizen does not work, but it is still granted if “the foreigner demonstrates that he has registered as unemployed and has made his immediate availability carrying out work activities and participating in active employment policy measures agreed with the employment centre”. In short, just pretend good will. In the meantime, who controls the irregular? Another brilliant point (and we are at 4), article 3 paragraph b: you, non-EU friend, don’t have a job? Relax, there are the Democratic Party and +Europa! “A handwritten declaration showing the commitment to repatriate in the event of failure to stipulate an employment contract within the duration of the residence permit” is sufficient. Self-certification: how much we missed it! Massì: the irregular will return to his homeland spontaneously, a little faith! We’ll get back to work right away. Retirement is fundamental, of course.

The “Magi-Schlein-Boldrini and companions” bill (fifth pillar) «provides that the foreign worker who leaves Italy retains the social security and social security rights accrued and can enjoy them – attention – attention – even in derogation of the requirement of the minimum contributory seniority of twenty years”. And the Italians? Let’s eat brioche. And on the other hand, the Democratic Party has been saying it for some time, it is and will be the immigrants who pay our pensions, on which they – in Schlein’s Italy – should not pay the contributions. Boldrini’s “resources”.

Wait a minute, there’s more on pensions: “In the event of the foreigner’s permanent return through an assisted voluntary repatriation program, payment of 80 percent of the amount accrued is permitted.” Doors wide open, indiscriminate welcome and facilitated retirement: a bonanza! Let’s get back to work. Elly and the Magi (point 6) want «the reintroduction of the sponsor system already tested with the Turco-Napolitano law», i.e. the issuing of the residence permit if the employer or some other «body or organization operating in the sector guarantees of immigration for at least three years”, therefore also Migrantes oArci, which in fact are officially among the bodies supporting the proposal. Ah, the CGIL is also in the document, and Maurizio Landini would already be delighted if the centre-right government were not more than solid.

ELECTIONS – Point 7, the last (but certainly not least): the magnificent world of Elly wants to «extend to foreigners holding a residence permit for long-term residents the right to vote and stand for election in administrative elections and other local elections , as well as the right to participate in referendum consultations called by local authorities”. An immigrant with a temporary residence permit could not only vote but also be elected. All this, we read in the bill, to “counter the phenomenon of illegal immigration”. And imagine if they didn’t want to fight it! Elly should be given a prize, rather than the raspberries that half of her party gives her. Other than the “foreign businesswoman of the year” award given by the then president of the Chamber Boldrini to Soumahoro’s mother-in-law. The Magi-Schlein proposal also beats the ski courses paid to African asylum seekers when Serracchiani was governor of Friuli Venezia Giulia, downstream weight and advanced upstream skiing. Oh God, maybe, beats them. The left has got a wonderful idea in its head. Actually, seven.

#Libero #Quotidiano

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