“That’s why Putin will lose. Is the cold worse for Europe or is it a tyrant with an atomic bomb? “- time.news

by time news
from Andrea Nicastro

«Everyone’s future is at stake. There is tension and anger in the country, the consensus for war falls even in the most tame polls “



Dozhd in Russian means rain,

Telekanal Dozhd

translates as “Tv Rain”. With

Novaya Gazeta

(Anna Politovskaya’s newspaper)
Tv Rain

it is among the few independent Russian newspapers that have withstood the Putinian twenty years. At least until the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine. Then, on March 1, about seventy Dozhd journalists and technicians fled abroad, leaving everything behind. And the TV went out. Time 5 months and the broadcasts resumed. “We speak to the Russians through the European frequencies. I am convinced that sooner or later, but more sooner than later, we will also come home physically».

The tv director is called Tikhon Dzyadko, is a tall, lean, determined young man. He is 35 years old. His channel’s television cameras broadcast the protests of the Orange Revolution from Kiev, opposition marches from Moscow, the arrests requested by Putin. “For the past 8 months a gigantic propaganda staging hid the truth from the Russians. I am sure that the more the number of those who know the truth about war grows, the sooner we will be home ».

Follow the news on the war in Ukraine, live.

Would the truth lead to regime change?

“Of course. Misinformation and people’s acquiescence cannot continue forever. The Russian Army is suffering and support for the war is even dropping in tame polls. The economy is getting worse. There is tension and anger, but how this will translate into practice I don’t know. It comforts me to think that I had not even imagined that the Ukrainian revolution of 2013-2014 would be born from the stop to the procedures for association with the European Union. But it happened and something will happen in Russia too ».

How is the war really going in your opinion?
«On February 24, Putin began the second Ukrainian war because the first of 2014 was not enough for him. This started with the conscription of 300,000 citizens with no military experience and is the third. He lost the first two. He will also lose this ».

«Because man is not very intelligent. He got the opposite of what he wanted: Ukraine has never been so far from Russia, NATO has expanded with Finland and Sweden, Russia has lost its military prestige ».

Many in Europe think the Russian gas cut will diminish support for Ukraine before there are riots in Moscow.

«Those who think this do not understand that war is the clash between Putin’s idea of ​​power from the 19th century and everyone’s future. Going for business as usual is shortsighted. Accepting the invasion of Georgia in 2008 led to the annexation of Crimea in 2014 and now to this. Even if Ukraine accepts the current borders, Putin would try again in two years and then move on to Moldova and the Baltic countries. The cold in winter is an ugly beast for Europeans, but who is more dangerous: an aggressive with nuclear weapons or the cold? “

You have a Georgian wife anchor on TV Rain, the translator of this interview is Moldovan, Putin is destroying the Russian-speaking world built by the USSR.

“Very true. Putin’s action is proving counterproductive. When he started the war he said that he wanted to prevent the expansion of NATO and what he has achieved is the entry of Finland and Sweden into the Alliance. Then he wanted to protect the Russian language in Ukraine and now Russian-speaking Ukrainians want to forget their mother tongue. It must be admitted that this man, Vladimir Putin, is not very intelligent ».

Why did the Russians allow him to rule for 20 years?

There are many reasons. Some Russians were tired of the democratic 90s, but poor. Others supported him out of fear. Europe is also guilty because it let him do what she wanted ”.

October 22, 2022 (change October 22, 2022 | 07:56 am)

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