The 10 most common diseases in Mexico

by time news

2023-11-03 23:00:03

Based on the number of medical consultations registered in the National Health System during 2022, it is possible to know the most common diseases in Mexico. These are pathologies with a very high incidence and most people will develop them at least once in their lives.

In the first instance, the health is defined as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-beingand not only the absence of conditions or diseases. Although a mistake that a large part of the population makes is waiting too long to seek help from a doctor. The ideal is always to go from the first symptom.

What are the most common diseases in Mexico?

From a report of Statesman based on the statistics of the Ministry of Health (SSa) corresponding to 2022, the 10 most frequent were obtained. They were the main causes of a medical appointment Throughout the national territory.

Acute respiratory infections Urinary tract infections Intestinal infections Covid-19 Ulcers, gastritis and duodenitis Gingivitis and periodontal disease High blood pressure Obesity Vulvovaginitis Conjunctivitis

First of all there are the acute respiratory infections because they were behind 16.1 million queries. Furthermore, they are well above other health problems.

Within this group are all diseases that affect the ears, nose, throat and lungs. Most of them are caused by viruses and although some disappear over time, for others pharmacological treatment is required. A very important point is that antibiotics should not be used because they do not work in these cases.

For its part, the second position of the eMost common diseases in Mexico corresponds to the urinary tract infection because there were 3.2 million queries. In this case, they occur when bacteria reach the urethra, usually from the skin or rectum. The most common type is cystitis that affects the bladder.

Third place went to intestinal infections because they caused 3.2 million queries. They are characterized because they can be viral, bacterial or parasitic and the most common consequence is gastroenteritis, which causes inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Covid-19 remains a high incidence health problem

While one step below is the Covid-19 with 3.1 million queries. During 2022, a notable decrease was recorded compared to what happened in 2020 and 2021, although it does not mean that the problem has disappeared. Through vaccination campaigns, it has ceased to be a deadly disease, although infections have persisted and may even never disappear in the same way that has happened with HIV.

Finally, others diseases that stand out among the most common in the country Are the ulcers, gastritis, duodenitis, gingivitis, high blood pressure, obesity, vulvovaginitis and conjunctivitis.

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#common #diseases #Mexico

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