The 10 points of the “Peace Treaty”. Varuzhan Geghamyan – 2024-03-31 13:33:16

by times news cr

2024-03-31 13:33:16

It is the pre-election phase in Azerbaijan, so the president of the enemy country Aliyev speaks more openly than usual about his current and future plans. Turkologist Varuzhan Geghamyan wrote about this on his Telegram page.

In particular, he noted: “Yesterday, he gave an interview to Azerbaijani media journalists for about three hours. That very well organized interview was, in fact, the first big event of Aliyev’s pre-election campaign. I got acquainted with the content of the interview in detail and here is what I have highlighted for you, “In the words of Aliyev”. Let me say at once that these are actually the logic and points that lie at the basis of the so-called “Armenian-Azerbaijani peace negotiations”.

  1. In the paper called “Peace Treaty”, if it is signed, the border and clear territory between Armenia and Azerbaijan will not be mentioned in any way, therefore, Azerbaijan can violate it at any time, claiming that “there is no border, there is no violation of the border.” A document about nothing, but which fully clears Azerbaijan of the crimes committed in the Artsakh issue and legally closes it. The ignorance called “cadastre paper” was also blown away.

  2. Azerbaijan will not release in 2020 the internationally recognized territory of Armenia occupied after November (at least 300 square km). The absurdity of the idea of ​​”mirror withdrawal of troops” was proved once again.

  3. Azerbaijan is doing everything to sign the document without an intermediary, so that it can violate it at any time without unnecessary headaches. This point will not be liked by those who like “there will be international guarantees” and “the world will not let them attack us”.

  4. Azerbaijan will not open a border with Armenia and will continue the complete blockade of Armenia. Therefore, Turkey will do the same. Moreover, at the moment, the task is to cut off Armenia from its two main external routes, to Georgia and Iran. To do this, they use the theme of so-called enclaves (see the next point). The absurdity of the “Crossroads of Peace” idea was proven once again.

  5. Azerbaijan proceeds from the statement that Armenia currently occupies 8 villages of Azerbaijan, 4 of which are on the border itself, and the other 4 are inside the border (in the form of an “enclave”). Azerbaijan “cannot tolerate this situation” and “will do everything to liberate them”. Moreover, Azerbaijan insists that roads leading to enclaves should be given, which “must be inhabited by Azerbaijanis”. These are mini-corridors. Meanwhile, Aliyev said that this topic is currently being discussed in the demarcation commission. It is not discussed, but the issues of technical implementation of Azerbaijan’s condition are discussed.

  6. Azerbaijan demands a corridor through the territory of Syunik. Yes, just the corridor, nothing else under the name of “unhindered passage”. Moreover, in a very specific place, through Meghri, because it is the “shortest and most convenient way” to Nakhichevan. At the same time, Aliyev hinted that at any moment he can take that path with a weapon.

  7. Azerbaijan admits that its beliefs towards the Republic of Armenia became possible thanks to the victory in Artsakh. Aliyev literally says that the capture of Shushi allowed him to open the issue of Zangezur. It is difficult to find a better proof than this that Artsakh was the main means of defense of Syunik and the rest of Armenia. Moreover, it was said through the mouth of the enemy.

  8. Azerbaijan will do everything to capture presidents Serzh Sargsyan and Robert Kocharyan as well. Aliyev directly mentioned that.

  9. During the entire interview, Aliyev used Turkic place names for all areas of Armenia: “Irevan” (Yerevan), “West Zangezur” (Syunik), “Istisu” (Jermuk), etc. He also notes that if there is a demarcation with a map, then the issue of Yerevan’s belonging should be discussed. This is one of the most important manifestations of Azerbaijan’s dimensionalism, with which the Azerbaijani society is currently being educated.

  10. Azerbaijan is one of the main partners of the European Union in terms of gas supply. Therefore, Azerbaijan is in no way afraid of Western pressure, because it will not happen. Azerbaijan has to play smart with Russia, which is being done (even by sending the right messages to Moscow at the interview level).

There were other interesting points in the interview, but these 10 points were the main ones, which, in fact, make up the package of the so-called “Armenian-Azerbaijani” negotiations at the moment.

Consequence: Azerbaijan has no goal of peaceful coexistence with Armenia. The “Peace Treaty” is just a simple manipulation to break the resistance of the people in Armenia.

Concession on any of these points will lead to new demands from Azerbaijan and Turkey, just as concession on Artsakh brought danger to Syunik and Jermuk,” he wrote.

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