The 11 best exercises to avoid tingling in the hands

by time news

2023-10-05 16:00:21

Although it is not an indication of a serious health problem, the tingling sensation may be related to some pathologies. Keep reading and we’ll tell you more.

Last update: October 5, 2023

There are various exercises to avoid tingling in the hands and reduce this sensation. The same can be related to a variety of causes, such as circulation problemspinched nerve or other pathologies, for example diabetes.

Mostly, The exercises we will see are simple. They can be done at home or in a free moment at work; and it is not required to use any special implement.

Tingling in hands: causes and treatments

Many times tingling in the hands can be accompanied by other sensations, such as heat, stings, difficulty moving the fingers. All this It brings discomfort and is a cause for concern. In relation to the causes, these can be diverse; among which are:

Diabetes Synovial cyst Multiple sclerosis Rheumatoid arthritis Cervical rectification Buerger’s disease Circulatory problems Vitamin B12 deficiency Carpal tunnel syndrome Pinched nerve in the neck or back Poor posture or excessive use of mobile phones or other devices

At the same time, Treatments and prevention measures are different, depending on the cause and degree of severity. In this regard, rest, application of cold or heat, use of splints and support pads, among others, are recommended.

Exercises for tingling in hands

In addition to the aforementioned measures, there are also exercises for tingling in the hands, which are recommended in order to prevent, avoid or reduce this sensation.

These They help to work on the strength as well as the flexibility of muscles and tendons, relieving accumulated tension and pain. and improving circulation. Let’s see what alternatives we have in this regard.

1. Finger stretch

Begin by placing your left hand outstretched on a table or other flat surface. With your free hand, The index finger is stretched upward, firmly but without abruptnessmaintaining the position for a few seconds.

The same procedure is followed with the middle finger, ring finger, little finger and, finally, the thumb, which is retracted to the side. Then, it is passed to the other hand. Two complete series are made.

2. Wrist movement

We rest the forearm and hand on a board, with the palm facing down. With your free hand you help yourself, pushing from one side to the othermoving outward from the thumb side or inward from the little finger.

3. Opening of palms

You close your fist firmly and open it suddenly, stretching your fingers as much as possible. This position is maintained for about five seconds. Two to three sets of 10 repetitions are done for each hand. Likewise, it is recommended to take a break between each series.

4. Extension of hands, fingers and wrist

Standing, with our legs slightly apart, we extend our arms completely, making the shape of a cross and showing our palms facing forward.

Fingers are opened and closed 10 times. Then, they bend their wrists, bringing their palms back and, again, open and close their fingers, up to 10 times. Three repetitions of this exercise are performed.

5. Forearm stretches

Although we are talking about exercises for tingling hands, it is good to know that, Sometimes what affects the forearms affects the wrists, the back and the fingers. Let’s see how to do these stretches:

The forearm is placed on a table, but in such a way that the hand and wrist are outside, that is, free. The palm should be facing down. So, the hand is dropped and then raised, reaching up as far as possible. Do 10 repetitions and change hands. Two sets for each hand. Then, we turn our hand, that is, the palm is facing up. The fist is made and the movement is repeated, dropping and then bringing the fist as if we wanted to bring the knuckles closer to the wrist. Two sets of 10 repetitions are also done.

6. Relaxation of the arm muscles

This exercise It is recommended for those who work a long time typing on a computer, or they sleep resting their head on their arm or with it under their body. It is done like this:

Stand with your arm outstretched, pointing forward. The wrist is bent and with the free hand we take it outwards, maintaining the position for 20 seconds. Then, the hand is placed with the palm facing the ceiling, and with the other hand the fingers are pushed down, trying to bring them in the direction of the body. In the same way, this position is maintained for several seconds.

7. Mobilization of the ulnar nerve

It is an exercise for tingling hands that is performed standing, with the right arm extended and fingers pointed. First, the index and thumb join together, as if making a clamp.

The elbow is flexed to bring the hand towards the face. The fingers are placed in such a way that the eye is between the hole formed by the index finger and the thumb. and the others point down.

Then, the arm is stretched out to the side again, but the fingers and wrist will face backwards, exerting slight tension in that direction. Three sets of 10 repetitions are done and then the arm is changed.

8. Wrist dorsiflexion

This exercise for tingling hands It also contributes to the mobilization of the ulnar nerve. It is done like this:

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. The right arm is raised, bending the elbow at 90°. His palm faces the ceiling. From there the hand is turned, so that the palm is now facing the ground and the fingers are pointing outward, as in the postures of Egyptian paintings.

9. Shoulder retropulsion

Tension in the neck, shoulder and trapezius can also affect, so that tension is experienced in the forearms and numbness in the hands. Therefore, we will perform this exercise:

We place ourselves next to a door frame. This should be behind us, half a meter. We stretch our arm back, and hold the frame with our right hand. Then, we turn our head to the left and stretch our neck a little. We maintain the position for a few seconds and we change hands

10. Palms in prayer

We call this exercise in which hands are joined in front of the chest, as if we were in prayer, placing the elbows outward. You should try to lower your wrists a little below the line of your elbows, applying some tension, but without releasing your palms.

Then, arms are raised towards the ceiling, stretching as much as possible. When you reach the top, you open your arms, separate your hands with your palms in front and bend your elbows, taking them back a little. And we return to the initial position.

11. Cardio

Cardiovascular exercises help avoid numbness or tingling in the hands, especially if this symptom is related to a blood circulation problem. Therefore, walking, running, cycling, swimming or hiking, among other activities, are considered beneficial.

When to go to the doctor?

It is important to emphasize that, To get results, these exercises must be done regularly. Of course, they must be supervised by a professional trainer. But, if some movements are uncomfortable or painful for the person, it is better to stop them.

And although Tingling in the hands is not a sign of a serious problemwe must pay attention when the sensation lasts over time, affecting the quality of life and preventing the person from resting or carrying out their daily activities.

Besides, should be observed if other symptoms occur, such as difficulty making movements, loss of sensitivity, dizziness, shortness of breath, among others. In these cases, it is advisable to go to the medical service immediately for an evaluation.

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