The 12 trends in the health sector that will dominate 2024

by time news

2023-12-19 19:00:53

A new cycle is about to begin and that is why it is time to know the Health sector trends that will dominate 2024. This is one of the most important fields because since the beginning of the pandemic nothing has been the same and digitalization is one of the most obvious changes.

With this in mind, the report Forecast Healthcare 2024, prepared by LLYC, offers an overview of the main challenges that the sector will face next year. Among the major themes for the next year, the paper includes the greater awareness of citizens with the self care and improving lifestyle habits.

Throughout 2024 the process of destigmatization of the mental diseases, solutions for those with few treatment options will grow and technology will continue to play a key role. Big data and artificial intelligence will accelerate the development of drugs and vaccines.

The main trends in the health sector for 2024

1. More aware of individual health care and improving habits

The survey Global Trends 2023 de IPSOS highlights persistent global concern about the effects of COVID-19 on health systems, with increased demand for services and concerns about access and quality of health care.

83% of those surveyed want to have greater control over their health without distrusting government or scientific institutions. This trend has driven interest in self-care, with an increase in the search for information about treatments, health policies and the consumption of products such as vitamins. 40% of consumers already do it online.

2. Attention to caregivers and their role in improving the health of patients

Caregivers, whether family or professional, play an essential role in patients’ well-being, providing emotional support and physical assistance. Its importance has been reviewed and there is a growing medical literature on it, highlighting the need for support due to negative health consequences.

The time dedicated to caring for others directly implies that caregivers no longer have personal spaces dedicated to social, leisure or leisure activities. self carewhich is detrimental to their own physical and psychological health.

3. Increased pressure on the sustainability of health systems

Health management faces challenges due to the pandemic, demographic changes and inequalities. Despite progress, financial pressure affects the sustainability of the Systems of health. It is crucial to guarantee universal and equitable access. Collaboration with pharmaceutical and technology companies can improve efficiency and facilitate access to medical devices and medicines, contributing to economic and social development.

4. Greater transparency and inclusion in clinical research

In 1977, the FDA recommended excluding women of childbearing age from clinical trials, creating a paucity of data on how drugs affected them. The protests led to the approval of the inclusion of women and minorities in clinical trials in 1993.

Since then, the NIH has ensured diversity in clinical research, designing tests to analyze specific impacts in this area. Diversity in clinical trials is essential to ensure medicines suitable for all people.

5. The One Health approach: Environment, Animals and Human Health

Another of the health sector trends for 2024 is the concept One Health, which addresses health in a comprehensive manner, recognizing the interconnection between human, animal and environmental health. The WHO estimates that 60% of infectious diseases have animal origin, highlighting the importance of addressing zoonoses.

One Health It goes beyond disease transmission, including economic, environmental and food safety aspects. Collaboration at local, regional and global levels is crucial, with public policies that not only address current problems, but also prevent and mitigate future risks.

6. The business perspective with social responsibility: the Sustainable Development Goals and ESG

The growing demand for social responsibility drives companies, including those in the Health sector, to consider its impact on people and the planet. The social aspect of ESG highlights the business-society relationship, addressing issues such as working conditions, gender equality and collaboration on social projects.

These criteria are aligned with the UN 2030 Agenda. To meet them, public-private collaboration is needed to establish policies to advance towards sustainable objectives.

7. Destigmatize mental illnesses

Destigmatize the mental diseases is essential, with 1 in 8 people affected according to the WHO in 2019, and a significant increase during the pandemic. Factors such as poverty, violence and inequality contribute to the risk.

In a technological world, addressing mental health At an institutional and social level it is imperative. Communication plays a key role, requiring affective strategies to avoid stigmatization in the media and social networks. Transforming public perception is crucial to gaining support and effective treatment policies.

8. More access to pharmacological innovation and health technologies

With tight budgets Systems of healthaccess to pharmacological innovations remains a challenge, The WHO highlights the importance of equitable access as a requirement for universal health services.

FIFARMA found that access to innovations in oncology and rare diseases It is low, an average of 13%, and access time varies significantly in Latin American countries. Therefore, a collaborative approach is needed that addresses the regulation, value and cost of innovation, putting the patient at the center of decisions to ensure rapid and beneficial access to health.

9. More and better solutions for devastating diseases with few treatment options

The combination of standard therapies, immunotherapy and innovative gene and cell therapies show promising results in cancer. It highlights CAR-T therapy, reprogramming immune cells in the laboratory to attack cancer cells.

Although it is expensive and complex, it has been effective in hematological cancers. Personalized medicine offers hope for diseases considered incurable, with further advances especially in oncology, immunology and infections.

10. Big Data and artificial intelligence to accelerate the development of drugs and vaccines

The convergence of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence It is revolutionizing health. The market will grow to almost $70 billion by 2025. These technologies accelerate drug development by reducing timelines and improving efficiency.

In addition, AI enables precise and personalized diagnoses, anticipating health problems. Economically, it simplifies administrative tasks and increases the quality of medical care. This trend is expected to peak in the next two years.

11. Vaccination: time for older adults and children

The decline in vaccination, aggravated by the pandemic, affects both children and adults. Nearly 40 million children did not receive the measles vaccine in 2021. Now, the focus is on adults, influenced by the anti-vaccine movement. Effective communication is key to closing the immunization gap and preventing the spread of preventable diseases.

12. New technologies to bring health closer to the patient

The health of the future is shaped at the intersection of technology and innovation. Advanced medical devices, remote patient management, and technologies like virtual reality and artificial intelligence are transforming healthcare.

Telemedicine, supported by Big Data, overcomes geographical barriers and reaches remote areas. Less invasive surgeries, online medical education and the convergence of trends point towards a future of personalized, decentralized and optimized healthcare, offering broader and more efficient access to quality medical services.

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